New book edited by Helen Hills

News | Posted on Tuesday 19 December 2023

Helen Hills', Professor Emerita, has just published Silver : Transformational Matter, with the British Academy and Oxford University Press.

Book cover- Title in white letters on an engraved silver background

The volume originated in a conference in 2021 during the dark days of covid- and was supported by the gleaming organizational skills of Marjorie Coughlan from the Department of History of Art - and it has come gleaming through the last few years. It has brilliant essays by anthropologists, art historians, and historians, including Allison Bigelow, Spike Bucklow, Tom Cummins, Tim Ingold, Kris Lane, Elena Phipps, Avinoam Shalem, Richard Checketts, Maggie Bolton, and Sergius Kodera.  Please see the Oxford University Press website for further details and to order your copy!

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