JoVE ‘Innovation in Instruction’ Award for Chemistry Academic

News | Posted on Friday 3 September 2021

Dr Glenn Hurst has been recognised for his innovative approach to teaching - in particular his working with students as partners and use of technology enhanced learning.

A male scientist smiles in a lab next to some tubes

The JoVE Innovation in Instruction award, which is focussed on how instructors have responded to the challenges of successfully teaching science during the pandemic period, has been awarded by JoVE to only three recipients worldwide. As well as receiving an award of $1500 in prize money, prizewinners are invited to present a seminar on their work, which will also be made available on YouTube.

The JoVE panel of judges learned how through Glenn’s innovative approach, students act as partners and develop the skills to address complex global issues by working in a more interdisciplinary and systematic fashion - key components of 21st century employability. Glenn described how he has
implemented this framework in multiple contexts within chemistry, delivering to different audiences using a range of innovative teaching methodologies, including the creative use of visual media. This has also been integrated with social media platforms. Among the aspects of Glenn’s work presented to judges was a Snapchat ‘class’ account demonstrating lab techniques and field research, and a student-led TikTok project which made use of kitchen chemistry for scientific public engagement.

Glenn also described how further to using existing software platforms to advance science education, he has worked with undergraduate students to design their own mobile applications to support chemistry education, such as Green Tycoon, a game to teach students green chemistry principles in the context of biorefining.

“I am delighted to receive the JoVE Innovation in Instruction award,” said Glenn. “I hope that post-pandemic, these creative strategies for teaching science are maintained, which when done in conjunction with students as partners, are beneficial for students developing both their personal skills and their employability prospects. Going forward, I am excited by the potential of using augmented and virtual reality technologies as a tool to support
practical teaching and visualisation.”

Glenn’s seminar, entitled, “Actively engaging digitally native students with social media” will take place on Wednesday 22 September at 16.00. Further details will be made available on the JoVE website.