Tadhg Carroll

Postdoctoral Research Associate,
Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity

Accumulation of Biodiversity in Anthropocene Environments



Having completed a BSc in Applied Physics and Instrumentation at Cork Institute of Technology in 2011, I went on to pursue an MSc in Evolutionary and Behavioural Ecology at the University of Exeter (2013/14). I then moved to Bournemouth University for my PhD research, during which I investigated biodiversity change in plant and insect communities over an 80-year period on the Studland Peninsula in the South of England.

I will begin my Postdoctoral journey at LCAB on the first day of lockdown in November 2020 to broaden my understanding of processes underlying biodiversity change in the Anthropocene.


I am interested in all aspects of Ecology, but my work has focused to date on Community Ecology. I also have a deep interest, and gradually growing skillset, in Applied Bayesian Statistics and how such techniques can be used to tease out knowledge from nature.

My research at LCAB will focus primarily on investigating biodiversity change in Anthropocene environments, with the aim of understanding why some places are gaining species, higher taxa and ecosystem types, while other places are losing them. I will use data at a wide range of spatiotemporal and taxonomic scales to assess biodiversity changes associated in particular with human caused drivers. More on this to come.

Publication Highlights

Carroll, Tadhg et al Improving estimates of environmental change using multilevel regression models of Ellenberg indicator values Ecology and Evolution 8 (2018): 9739–9750.


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Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity


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Leverhulme Centre for Anthropocene Biodiversity
