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Middle Ground

The Middle Ground series of events was created by the Student Expert Panel in response to a request for activities to support Black History Month back in 2021.

Its aim is to normalise having difficult conversations and encourage attendees to consider other people’s perspectives, as well as providing a space where people can share their lived experiences related to different topics. 

How does it work?

Middle Ground is a panel-style event with an audience. Both the panel and audience are made up from University of York staff and students. A statement or question is posed (for example, ‘I feel represented at this University’) that the guest panel - and audience -  can then respond to with their own thoughts and opinions.

By sharing lived experiences and different perspectives it is hoped that people will appreciate other viewpoints through safe, open and honest discussion, finding a ‘middle ground’. 

Previous Middle Ground events

November 2021

Normalising conversations around race and the experiences of Black staff and students.

May 2022

Normalising conversations around class and intersectionality.

March 2023

Normalising conversations around the experiences of international staff and students.

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