Your views are important to us, which is why we conduct three surveys across campus annually to identify ways to enhance our offerings.

You can leave us feedback at any time via our feedback form.

See the results of our 2024 surveys below. 

2024 surveys

You said, we did

Find out about all the changes we have made in response to your feedback:

Food options

On gluten-free options, you said:

Could improve with better variety of gluten free desserts - it’s almost always the same one now whereas there used to be other options.

We did: We are introducing new daily gluten free desserts! In order to ensure that the gluten free desserts are available for those who need gluten free food, these may not be displayed, and you will need to ask a member of staff for them.

On themed nights, you said:

Please have more neutral options when doing a themed meal, such as pizza, burger, curry or pasta.

We did: During themed nights, we will ensure there are still options of non-themed items.

On availability of vegan options, you said

Sometimes it changes from v (vga) to only v and that's sad.

We did: If the menu indicates VGA (vegan version available), rest assured that it will always be accessible at the outlet. We will now ensure that the VGA option for meals are clearly labelled on the menu in the outlet to remind those who may want them, you just need to ask a member of staff and they will grab it for you!

On vegan desserts, you said:

I’d like more vegan dessert options.

We are introducing new daily vegan desserts! To ensure availability of vegan desserts for those who prefer or require vegan options, please request them from a member of staff as they may not be displayed.

College nights

On weekly menus, you said:

If you would like people to go on their allocated days it’s probably worth considering making the menu the same for all days of the week. You can’t be surprised if more people than ‘anticipated’ show up on a day with an objectively much better menu than the rest of them.

We did: The menu for college nights will now be the same every evening! If you are a Meals in Advance customer we will ensure there are some different options each evening to ensure you have a variety of choices throughout the week.

Catered accommodation

On breakfast options, you said:

Having to eat the same meal everyday for breakfast is disappointing. The menu could change daily with bringing some new food like omelette, cheese, nuts, new juices, etc.

We did: We are introducing brand new breakfast items alongside our current offering. These will include continental items and will be available twice a week.