Against a backdrop of changing attitudes towards LGBTQ+ people in the press, social media, and political rhetoric in the UK and internationally, and the fallout from a controversial event held on campus in 2022, our staff and student LGBTQ+ networks came together in 2023 to organise an LGBTQ+ listening exercise to improve the way the University supports our LGBTQ+ staff and students.

We ran a workshop in April 2023 then, as part of marking York Pride in June 2023, a session was held to explore key themes among the issues raised. We also ran an online exercise to enable as wide a range as possible of LGBTQ+ staff and students to give their views. 

Together, our LGBTQ+ community came up with 26 actions. Some of those have already been met and others, which we have organised into 5 themes (below), will need to be developed.

Take a look at our webinar to learn more about the Listening Exercise, next steps, and how to get involved in a working group.

You said, we did…

Some of the things LGBTQ+ staff suggested during the Listening Exercise have now been provided or are underway, including:

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680

Get involved

We need both group leaders and group members to take these actions forward.  

If you are interested in any of the topics listed below, we'd be delighted to welcome you onto the associated working group(s).  

Everyone is welcome - whether you are LGBTQ+ or an ally.

Register your interest

The working groups

The purpose of the social engagement working group is to organise regular activities to bring staff and students together, provide low-level social and peer support, share progress on the Action Plan, and listen to issues that affect our LGBTQ+ community.

Many of the actions that were raised in the Listening Exercise rely on better communication, and access to resources, information, and guidance, which can be partly met through providing dedicated LGBTQ+ web pages for staff and students.

LGBTQ+ web pages will host and signpost various resources and information from across the university including Rainbow Alliance, our LGBTQ+ student networks, guidance pages for trans students and staff, pronoun and active bystander guidance, information on LGBTQ+ faith groups, resources to help line managers support LGBTQ+ staff, and other relevant guidance.

They will help us to raise awareness and understanding of LGBTQ+ issues, promote EDI training and resources for students and staff, and explain university systems and processes (for example, the process for providing all gender toilets, and linking to information about how the university manages Freedom of Speech events.

They will also explain how and where concerns and issues relevant to LGBTQ+ staff and students can be raised, and how students and staff can access support if they experience harassment, bullying, or hate incidents.

The purpose of the Inclusion and Involvement working group is to ensure that all staff and students from across the university, at whatever level, and from whatever department, service area, or cultural background, feel included in our LGBTQ+ community and the university as a whole.

To do this, we will raise awareness and understanding and understanding of LGBTQ+ issues, and  explore mechanisms through which LGBTQ+ staff and students can raise issues and concerns.  

We will develop a greater range of LGBTQ+ staff profiles from across departments and at different levels of seniority to make Rainbow Alliance  more inclusive, and explore whether welcome events for LGB students, similar to other student welcome events, can be provided.

This working group will explore the potential provision of an internal scheme whereby staff and students can demonstrate they have undertaken training and development on LGBTQ+ issues and are able and willing to support other LGBTQ+ staff and students. This will help to meet some of the actions raised in the Listening Exercise in relation to providing EDI training for staff and students, raising competence, understanding, and awareness of  LGBTQ+ issues, and providing training and information for line managers on how to support LGBTQ+ staff.

These actions will help to raise the visibility and profile of LGBTQ+ issues and encourage all staff to be involved in supporting LGBTQ+ issues, at all levels of seniority, and across the University.

This working group will explore requests for specialist practitioners and officers that LGBTQ+ students and staff can approach (e.g. open door, student hub, HR), and better support and information for people affected by controversial freedom of speech events.

It will also consider the potential provision of peer support and buddying opportunities for staff and students who are not yet out and may not have joined relevant LGBTQ+ networks.

About the Listening Exercise

The Listening Exercise was organised by a partnership of staff and students including:

  • YUSU and GSA LGBTQ+ Officers and representatives
  • Rainbow Alliance LGBTQ+ staff network
  • Equality and Diversity Office
  • EDI Exchange
  • LGBTQ+ staff and students

It is now being coordinated by the Rainbow Alliance and the Equality and Diversity Office, in collaboration with YUSU LGBTQ+ Officers and LGBTQ+ staff and students, and allies.

Contact us

Equality and Diversity Office
+44 (0)1904 324680