There are so many ways you can get involved with sustainability-related activities during your time at York. From volunteering and joining a society to taking part in University-wide activities, there’s something here for everyone.

Our sustainability-related extracurricular opportunities are designed to help you meet with other students who share similar interests and get a taste of what it might be like to work in a sustainability-related role.

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Sustainability at York

Apply for YUSU's Sustainable Development Grant

The Sustainable Development Grant, launched by YUSU in 2022, is available to fund student-led sustainability projects using the University's 20p Latte Levy.

YUSU's criteria for sustainability coincides with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, so your project will be perfect for the grant if it lines up with at least one of these goals. Examples could include projects that tackle issues such as gender inequality, climate change, or sustainable consumption. 

Whatever your idea is, this fund can help you to make it a reality! It could be anything from growing veg on campus, to rewilding projects, to campaigning workshops – as long as sustainability is the heart of your project! Successful projects will receive between £50 - £200 and applications are accepted every semester.

Sustainable Development Grant

Environmental Doctoral Group in Education

Are you a PhD student or early career researcher working on climate, environmental or sustainability education?  We meet monthly online to share our ideas and work.

To join, contact

Get involved with York Living Labs

Do you have an idea for using the campus as a test bed to improve biodiversity?  

This year, York Living Labs is bringing together staff and students to focus on testing new ways of increasing biodiversity around our campus.  

Any student or member of staff can make a suggestion for a Biodiversity Living Lab project.  Share your idea with the Biodiversity Management Committee by saying what you think should be done, why it is important, how it could be done and what you will do to support it.

Submit your ideas to Project ideas will be considered by the York Living Labs Biodiversity Management Committee and you can expect to hear whether your idea will be taken forward within 2 weeks.

Send us your new Living Lab idea

Green societies and networks

There is an array of student-run societies promoting sustainability at York, along with opportunities to get involved through your college and student union.

Each society and network offers a slightly different approach to environmental sustainability. They also provide you with new opportunities to meet and socialise with like-minded students.

Visit the YUSU Sustainability Hub for more information about joining one of our green societies or networks.

YUSU sustainability hub

Volunteering opportunities

  • The University Community Fund offers £500 - £5,000 for students or staff to develop their own volunteering project.

  • You can help with filling bellies not bins by volunteering with Your Cafe and reduce waste by turning food surplus into meals served at their community cafe.

  • Volunteering at St Nicks is a great way to meet new friends, learn new skills and gain experience in a competitive sector.

  • Yorkshire Wildlife Trust relies on volunteers to run its operation. Opportunities range from office work to practical conservation.

Opportunities on Handshake

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Sustainability at York