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Applying for a PhD

Wednesday 22 November 2023, 3.00PM to 6:00 PM

We're delighted to announce that our FRACS workshop on "Applying for a PhD" is coming up on Nov 22 at 15:00-18:00.  Just as it says on the tin, this will be an opportunity to get the inside scoop on how to go about applying for a PhD at CWS and the University of York more widely: it will include advice on the application process, funding, writing a research proposal, and space for all and any questions that you may have. 

If you are already considering applying for a PhD, either at York or elsewhere in the UK, you will know that the big funding applications are about to open in the autumn and the deadlines are early in the new year (around the end of January). So, if you are considering applying for a PhD for a September 2024 entry, this is a perfect time to get thinking and working on your PhD research ideas and applications.

Location: LMB/037