The Data Grid is a flexible component that allows you to display a range of data results in a variety of different ways

For example, we can load a set of data from Google Sheets and display those results in either a table, list element or even using flexbox.

It can be called using JavaScript as a stand alone module, or it can be automatically applied to a container using the class, js-data-grid and supplying a set of data-xyz attributes (these are listed in the 'options' section below).

Use (via JavaScript call)

    container: $('#id-of-a-container'),
    datasource: 'sheets',
    layout: 'table',
    includeHeaderRow: true,
    cssClassList: 'some-class another-class__here',
    sheetId: '1Vfqa37CInvrH3WsH4UkWpxKgUzoYqZ7Ij20fJBIfd08',
    sheetRange: 'Sheet1!A1:E',
    filter: 'department:eq:biology;',
    eventIdentifier: 'someuniquevalue'

Note: the Data Grid has to use an underlying datasource to load the required data. Currently, only Google Sheets is supported, so you must ensure that you pass in both a Google Sheet Id (of a publicly accessible Sheet) and the required Sheet Range.

Example using Google Sheets in the Table layout

<div class="js-data-grid"

Example using Google Sheets as a filtered table

<div class="js-data-grid"


Pass an options object with the following keys:

  • source - where will the data be loaded from? Currently, only 'sheets' (Google Sheets) is supported.
  • layout - the end result of HTML that is output. Select 'table', 'flex' or 'list'.
  • include-header - if using the 'table' layout, should the first row be a header? Either 'true' or 'false'. Defaults to 'false'
  • css - a list of css classes that can be added to the
  • sheet-id - the publicly accessible id of the Google Sheet you're using as the datasource.
  • sheet-range - the range of values within the Google Sheet you're using as the datasource
  • filter - a filter string in the format thing to filter:match type:value to filter;next item. So, to look for 'biology' in the 'department' field(s), you would use department:eq:biology. The 'match type' would be one of the following values:
    • eq for equal to
    • ne for not equal to
    • gt for greater than
    • lt for less than
    • eventIdentifier - if using multiple data-grids on the page, it's useful to update each one separately and subscribe to unique events. You can pass one in here, such as a timestamp.