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Individual agents and shared responsibilities

Posted on 20 April 2000

Onora O'Neill gives public lecture at University of York

The philosopher, Onora O'Neill, will give this year's Heslington Lecture on Wednesday 10 May. The lecture, which is open to the public and free of charge, will be entitled 'Individual agents and shared responsibilities'.

Baroness O'Neill, a life peer, is the principal of Newnham College, Cambridge. She has written widely on ethics and political philosophy, and has a particular interest in questions of international justice. She has chaired the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, and the Human Genetics Advisory Commission. She is currently chair of the Nuffield Foundation.

The Heslington Lectures have been an annual event at the University since 1965. Their theme is 'Religion and the modern world'. Previous speakers include Jonathon Porritt, Bruce Kent, Rabbi Julia Neuberger and Lord Habgood.

The Heslington Lecture will be at 8 pm on Wednesday 10 May in lecture theatre V/045 in Vanbrugh College at the University of York. Admission is free and all are welcome. There will be a chance for members of the audience to meet the speaker informally after the lecture.

Contact details

David Garner
Senior Press Officer

Tel: +44 (0)1904 322153