Accessibility statement

A trial platform of enhanced care for depression in primary care

A project funded by the Medical Research Council led by Professor David Richards to develop and test 'collaborative care' in a pilot randomised trial, Collaborative care is an organisational model for improving outcomes for people with depression in primary care first developed in the US. The study aims were:

  1. To design and refine a standardised ECD intervention protocol appropriate to the UK primary health care setting and acceptable to clinicians, practitioners and patients.
  2. To estimate contamination, clustering and effect size of the intervention within a pilot Phase II trial
  3. To estimate trial recruitment rates through monitoring recruitment rates within the pilot Phase II trial
  4. To examine the issue of treatment integrity and acceptability by monitoring the implementation of the ECD intervention protocol within a pilot Phase II trial and conducting qualitative stakeholder interviews.


Funder(s): Medical Research Council
Start Date: 01-Jul-2004
Expiry Date: 31-Mar-2006


Internal staff

External collaborators

  • David Richards

Mental Health and Addiction Research in the Department of Health Sciences