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Investment in student facilities - YUSU development

During the summer break of 2011, extensive alterations to the area around James College Nucleus took place to update the facilities for the Students' Union.

The project made significant improvements to this area by:

  • Enhancing the ‘Southern Gateway’ onto campus for students and visitors by giving the nucleus buildings a coordinated appearance. This was achieved by extending and re-cladding some of the existing buildings and re-modelling the surrounding landscape.
  • Extending the existing University of York Student's Union (YUSU) facilities to enhance their facilities on campus, by providing a new reception area with additional open plan offices and an interactive lounge area for students.
  • Improving the bar within the Roger Kirk Centre to replace McQ’s. The old McQ's area was remodelled to form part of the new YUSU facility.

In addition to the building works the surrounding landscape has been improved to make this a more appealing and usable space for students, especially within the courtyard areas and transport drop off point.

Likewise the covered walkways were all modified to add to the overall appeal of the area.

The project in more detail can be seen in the plans for James / YUSU development (PDF , 721kb)‌.