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”I don´t really like that question”. Interviewing middle class and upper class women about class

Wednesday 28 October 2015, 3.00PM to 5.00pm

Speaker(s): Dr Lena Sohl (Linköpings universitet)

Studying elite groups is not a new phenomenon in sociology. However, there is a renewed interest in elite groups within sociology. For instance, Mike Savage (2015) want to “redress the neglect of elite studies within broader class analysis”. I use my interviews and participant observations of a group of middle- and upper class Swedish women to explore understandings of class in a Swedish context. Departing from the women’s understanding of themselves as “classless”, I argue that the women try to downplay their class privileges, in order not to have their class positions questioned. 

Please contact Dr Laurie Hanquinet (The Department Events Co-ordinator) if you have any queries.

Location: W/243

Admission: Free
