Children Challenging Industry (CCI) is delivered by a team of advisory teachers.

This flagship programme has been delivered in various English regions since 1996.

Combining tailored training for industry partners and primary school staff with fully resourced problem-solving classroom activities and interactive site visits to industry the programme has been robustly evaluated for 27 years.

This evidence base has enabled us to refine and expand the programme to ensure the needs of 21st-century schools and companies continue to be met.

Our research

Become a CCI partner

Contact us
+44 (0)1904 322 523
University of York, York, Y010 5DD

2024-25 CCI bookings now open

Bookings are now open for our Children Challenging Industry (CCI) programme in the following regions for 2024-25.

Find out further information about CCI


Watch videos featuring children, teachers and industry partners from the north, south and south east of England and the Humber, which were made especially for our CCI LIVE event in July 2022.

CCI & Teacher Support 2022

CCI Industry Video 2022


The highly-successful Children Challenging Industry programme, managed by the [Centre for Industry Education Collaboration] at the University of York is an excellent example of engaging with children at an early age, together with teaching staff, to attract more people to study STEM subjects and take up careers in industry.

House of Commons Science and Technology Commons Select Committee

Our blended approach

In 2020, blended and fully remote versions of the programme have enabled the team to offer CCI to schools and companies across the UK.

Children, teachers and STEM professionals from industry collaborate, under the expert supervision and guidance of the CIEC team.

CCI stands out as a programme that really does change young people’s perceptions about the chemical industry and a career in science. Not only does it have measurable impact on the children involved, it also offers employee development and aligns well with our strategic objectives.

Sally Jones (Director, Investor Relations and Corporate Communications at Johnson Matthey)

This highly regarded, effective and robustly evaluated programme is unique in its combination of continuing professional development (CPD) for teachers and STEM professionals, direct classroom activities for children, and tailored site visits to industry, all with an emphasis on career-related learning intended to bridge the gap between industry and education.

During this time of increased remote learning, site visits have transformed into an exciting combination of live classroom interactions with STEM professionals in their place of work, and pre-recorded demonstrations that children would usually see during their site visits.

CIEC's specialist advisory teachers deliver all CPD and coordinate all elements of the programme to broker arrangements, and ensure smooth running and effectiveness. This anniversary year sees the exciting launch of our CPD module 'A Whole school approach to science capital'.

Children benefit greatly from having 'real life' experiences and being taught by a Science specialist. It appeals so much more than being taught by their teacher. Superb CPD for teachers who are not especially confident in science and for schools with limited resources.

Primary teacher

Contact us
+44 (0)1904 322 523
University of York, York, Y010 5DD