Standing Committee on Assessment

Standing Committee on Assessment is a subcommittee of, and reports to, University Teaching Committee.

On postgraduate researcher (PGR) matters it reports to the PGR Policies and Programmes Committee of York Graduate Research School Board.

Terms of reference


On behalf of University Teaching Committee and York Graduate Research School, to develop, consider, monitor and review policies and procedures relating to the assessments, marking, feedback and progression for all taught and research students.

On behalf of Senate, to approve, report and monitor the results of assessment for University awards, including those of higher doctorates, and appoint internal and external examiners.

Contact us

Academic Quality
+44 (0)1904 321135

  1. To develop, consider, monitor and review University policies and procedures relating to assessments, marking, feedback and progression for all taught and research students studying on programmes leading to a qualification of the University and to ensure such policies and procedures meet national quality assurance requirements.
  2. To make recommendations to Boards of Studies, departmental Graduate School Boards, University Teaching Committee, York Graduate Research School Board and Senate on matters of assessment policy, strategy or practice. To keep other relevant committees informed about the implications of assessment-related decisions or recommendations.
  3. To commission projects in areas related to assessment, and to monitor these and other assessment-related projects in the University.
  4. To consider proposals for amendments to the Ordinances and Regulations relating to assessment and to make recommendations accordingly to Senate, via University Teaching Committee and York Graduate Research School Board.
  5. To monitor academic misconduct reports submitted by Standing Academic Misconduct Panels and maintain an overview of trends through an annual statistical review leading to recommendations with regard to policy and/or practice.
  6. To provide advice and guidance to Boards of Studies, Boards of Examiners and departmental Graduate School Boards on assessment-related issues, and particularly on the conduct of academic misconduct cases.
  7. To approve at all levels, on behalf of University Teaching Committee, the appointment of any internal examiners who are not academic, research, teaching and/or scholarship staff (ie continuing employees on permanent or limited-term contracts). This includes, for example, Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs), casual teaching staff and persons not employed by the University.
  8. To approve, on behalf of University Teaching Committee, the appointment of external examiners at all levels, including terms of appointment. For taught provision, approved nominees are appointed to the office of external examiner and the SCA determines:
    • the fee arising from the office;
    • the role and responsibilities of external examiners;
    • the term of office and extensions to the defined term of office;
    • provisions for the early termination of appointment, and considers and approves the early termination of an external examiner’s appointment.
  9. To approve the appointment of assessors for applications for admission to Higher Doctorates on behalf of Senate.
  10. To monitor and approve special examination arrangements for all students in University examinations.
  11. To approve, and report to University Teaching Committee, the results of University degree results and progression. To keep under review, and report to Senate through University Teaching Committee and York Graduate Research School Board, the distribution of results for examinations at all levels, including data regarding EDI.
  12. To consider and make recommendations on any internal university matters and items arising from external Professional Statutory and Regulatory Bodies as referred to it by the Vice-Chancellor, the Senate, University Teaching Committee, York Graduate Research School Board, Boards of Studies, or departmental Graduate School Boards.
  13. To act under such delegated authority as the University Teaching Committee and York Graduate Research School Board may determine for areas not covered by specific terms of reference.
  14. To develop and monitor policies and procedures in relation to the University’s Policy on Exceptional Circumstances affecting Assessment and to make recommendations to University Teaching Committee and York Graduate Research School Board;
  15. To ensure that the Committee takes account of equality of opportunity in its work.
  16. To consider the workload associated with the Committee’s business, including via consideration of the impact of the Committee’s decisions on staff workload; and to oversee the workload associated with being a member of the Committee.

Ex officio members

Student representation (for unreserved business)

  • One nominated by University of York Student's Union

In attendance

  • Student Administration Manager (Progression and Awards)
  • Special Cases Manager
  • Open Door & Disability Operations Manager
  • Representative from York Online Programmes
  • Head of Inclusive Education
  • AQ Policy Manager
  • AQ Policy Officer/ Academic Support Coordinator (Secretary)
  • Deputy Head of Faculty Operations (representing all 3 faculties)
  • York SU Advice and Support Manager

Quoracy and voting rights

The Committee must have student representation to be considered quorate.

All members and attendees at the meeting (excluding Secretary) have a vote where voting is called upon by the Chair. The Chair holds the casting vote.

Reserved business

The student member of the Committee shall not be present nor receive any papers for business regarding the academic assessment of any individual student, or personal matters relating to any individual staff member, student or external examiner.


Date Paper deadline
Friday 13 September 2024 Friday 30 August 2024
Friday 22 November 2024 Friday 8 November 2024
Friday 31 January 2025 Friday 17 January 2025
Friday 14 March 2025

Friday 28 February 2025
Friday 2 May 2025 Friday 18 April 2025
Friday 27 June 2025 Friday 13 June 2025

Parent committee and associated subcommittees

Contact us

Academic Quality
+44 (0)1904 321135