Accessibility statement

Students who are pregnant

The University of York believes that becoming pregnant or having a young child should not, in itself, be a barrier to study and aims to balance flexibility with provision of consistent, non-judgemental, accurate and high quality information, guidance and support.

The University aims to provide an environment where students are supported and treated fairly and with dignity and respect, including during pregnancy, maternity, paternity, the process of adoption and while breastfeeding. 

Student Pregnancy, Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Policy

The University's Student Pregnancy, Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Policy covers any applicant who is pregnant, registered students who become pregnant during their studies and registered students whose partners are pregnant. Any registered student who becomes a parent, for example, through adoption is also covered by this policy.

The guidance relating to the policy includes sources of support for student parents within the University as well as details of external sources of information and help.

If you are a pregnant student you are encouraged to complete the Pregnancy Support Plan (linked to on the above webpage) with your Academic Supervisor or other member of staff in your department. 

University sources of information and help

If you have any questions relating to the  please contact the Equality and Diversity Office, who created the policy, by emailing

If you are a pregnant student who would like advice relating to finance and money management; academic progress; private accommodation or health concerns please complete the Student Advice Self Referral Form and one of the University's specialist Student Advisers will be in touch. 

There is also a webpage with information specifically for Students with Children