Accessibility statement

BAME students

Despite the widespread use of the phrase BAME, where possible it should never replace the immense diversity and distinct ethnic identities of each individual. BAME stands for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic and is a term used frequently in Britain as an umbrella term for non-white ethnic minority communities. Other countries may also use POC which stands for People of Colour or BIPOC, which stands for Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour. Ethnic minority communities in the UK can also include some international students who, along with British ethnic minorities, are part of the ‘global majority’.

Financial awards and support

Embarking on a University education can be daunting for many reasons, and students are frequently concerned about how they will fund their studies. Scholarships for ethnic minorities usually offer students additional support and mentoring as well as financial awards. The objective is to provide the additional help that might be needed to ensure you achieve your full potential. The ethnic minority scholarships at The Scholarship Hub highlight new funding opportunities through their searchable database

A Student Adviser can help you if you're not sure how to apply for funding, if you're not sure you're getting all the funding that you're entitled to, or if you are simply struggling to manage your finances. Submit a self-referral enquiry to the Student Hub.

Get Involved 

There are a number of international and cultural Societies available for you to connect with, including the African Caribbean Society (York ACS), the Chinese Society and the Brit Asian Society to name a few.

Arts and Cultural Societies

Being a BAME ally

There's lots of great resources online to encourage people to learn more about anti-racism, Black history and white privilege. We’ve created a summary slideshow compiling some of these resources.

Anti-racism for allies

Report and Support 

All students should feel confident and comfortable to live, learn and study in a safe and supportive environment at all times. The University does not tolerate any form of racism or related misconduct so should you ever either personally experience or bear witness to this (or any other student misconduct) there is direct support available through an online reporting tool Report and Support. You have the choice to report an incident with your contact details or anonymously.

Report and Support tool