The University card is a credit card sized card we are issuing to all members of staff, students and certain categories of associates. It has many functions including door access, library/printing card and sports centre card if required. Other functions will be added as other systems come online.
There are two versions of the card, an ID version which contains a photo and a standard version with no photo. Please see the list of departments below who have adopted an ID version of the University Card for staff.
It is important you do not punch a hole in your University Card this will affect the way the card operates.
If you are a student and require information on your University Card please visit the University Card information for students.
To request a new or replacement staff ID card please complete the Staff card request form. Cards will not be issued until the form has been completed or the team has received an email from you.
Do you require a photo?
We have asked Departmental Heads whether they would like staff to have a standard or ID version of the University Card. The following departments have specified that staff working within these departments require an ID version of the card.
If you belong to one of the following departments you need to provide a photo.
If you are a member of any of these departments you will need to provide a photo. Cards for these departments will only be printed where a photo has been provided. If you do not belong to one of these departments, but wish to have an ID version of the card, please follow the instructions under 'providing a photo' tab.
Where a member of staff is also a student, the student card takes precedence and no staff card will be produced as a person should only require a single University ‘smart’ card. Any functionality you require as a member of staff can be added to your student University Card.
If a staff card is required for ID purposes, a card bearing the name and photo can be produced but without any card number or encoding. These cards will be produced at the specific request of the line manager. If you require an additional staff ID card, go to select 'manage who can view your photograph' and ensure you answer 'yes' to the option to have your photo included on your card. This will use the same photo as your Student Card unless you update your photo on the system.
If your department has chosen to issue photo versions of the University Card, you will need to provide a photograph. Please see the 'providing a photo' tab.
If you are experiencing an issue with door access with your University card, please inform the Facilities Helpdesk about your problem to resolve the matter. You can do this by clicking the 'access request/problem' link and then fill out the corresponding form.
If you have Kaba door access you will normally have this included on your University Card automatically.
If you have Onity door access and wish to have the access rights on your University Card, you will need to have your University Card programmed. This can be done at college receptions on Campus West
The use of door access cards is in-line with the University access policy.
If you pre-pay to use a car park on campus which has a barrier in operation, your access will be included on your University Card.
The use of car parking is in-line with the University car parking policy.
For all staff, your University Card automatically gives you University Library membership.
If you are an associate at the University, you will not gain automatic library membership. If you wish to join please make your application directly with the Library.
The use of the Library is in line with the library policy.
New centralised printer/copiers are being installed around the University. These devices will require you to present your University Card to release your print job. For further details visit the printing project webpages.
If you wish to use your University Card as your Sports Centre membership card, you may ask a member of the Sports Centre reception staff to replace your old card with your new one.
As yet there are no other functions available to your new University Card. As new facilities come online we will let you know when these are available, and how you can add these functions to your card.
Some members of staff are required to have a photo on their card, for example members of the facilities team, who need to gain access to different parts of the University, or prove their identity off campus. Each department will decide whether to issue standard cards to staff or cards with a photo.
The following example illustrates a University Card with a photo for ID purposes.
Upload a photo for your card (remember to select the option to allow inclusion of the photo on your University Card).
If you have already uploaded a photo via this method in the past and you wish to use it for your card, you will need to go back to this website, click ‘Select University Card Preferences’ and click ‘yes’ to the option to have the photo included on your card.
It is important that the photograph you provide for the ID style of University Card is the right size and quality. It should be recent and representative. As a general rule you should treat getting your ID photo in the same way you would for your passport photo.
Find specific help and guidance on uploading your photo.
Please note the email received after your photograph has been accepted does not mean that your card has been printed. You will also need to fill in the staff card request form.
If your circumstances change you may need to amend the functions on your University Card
It is important that if your University Card is lost or stolen, you report it to Security immediately so that access rights can be cancelled as soon as possible. Please contact security on extension 4444 in the first instance.
They will disable any access control functions on the lost card and if necessary, arrange issue of a short-term ‘transition’ card which will give you access control rights until you are able to obtain a new University Card.
To have your University Card re-issued you can request a replacement by completing our online request form.
This is in line with the University Access policy.
If you are retiring or leaving the University we ask you to return your University Card for safe disposal. Your line manager or supervisor should request this as part of the leaving process.
This will be done in line with the University access /HR policy.
The University already uses a number of ‘stand-alone’ cards for different purposes and each card is managed locally by the function providers. For example the Library look after library cards, Security look after door access cards. These cards require a certain amount of intelligence to help the card holder gain access to the right rooms or to use staff facilities.
The need for this type of ‘smart card’ will grow as more of these types of systems come on line, for example centralised print management and car parking.
The administrative overhead of managing many separate cards is costly and inefficient. It’s also inconvenient for staff to have to carry around more and more cards during their working day.
The aim is to provide a way of getting current and future functions to operate using a single card token, providing a ‘one-stop-card’ for staff and students to get around campus and access the things they need to do.
Anyone working or studying at the University will have a University Card. There will be three different types of card issued each with different uses:
The default staff card will not contain a photo and is not intended as an ID card. However, some members of staff who request an ID card can apply for the photo version. Departments will be asked to decide if members of staff will require standard or photo cards. Other staff can opt to include their photo on the University Card if they wish.
There are different categories of associate within the University for example members of the temping pool, contractors etc . The category you belong to will determine whether you are eligible for a University Card, and if so, which functions will be available to you.
Associate cards will not be automatically issued as part of the staff card roll-out. If you require an associate card your line manager will be required to request one on your behalf.
A set of staff Q&As (PDF , 191kb) has been prepared to help staff to work through the principles and logistics of the new card.
For further information contact
The University Card Desk
Information Centre
Market Square
+44(0)1904 324875 times: 9:00am - 4pm Monday to Friday excluding Public and Bank Holidays
Uni Card Information
- Full version of the guidance note for staff
Uni Card Guidance for staff July 2011 (PDF, 190kb)
- Set of staff Q&As
Uni Card Q&As for staff (PDF, 191kb)
- Staff University Card terms and conditions
Staff Card Terms and Conditions (PDF, 75kb)