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Postgraduate Research Experience Survey

The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) is run by Advance HE and the University participates in the survey on a biennial basis. The overall aim of the survey is to identify areas where improvements can be made and efforts targeted to further enhance research degree programmes.

PRES 2025

PRES 2025 is scheduled to run from Monday 3 February to Friday 2 May 2025.

We find a direct approach from schools/departments/centres works best in encouraging PGRs to complete the survey. We have tips and resources on how best to promote PRES.

PRES staff guide

PRES 2023 promotional resources

 PRES promotional resources (to follow)

Survey results and analysis

The results of the survey remain confidential to each institution. However, the survey does allow participating institutions to benchmark their results against the aggregate results of all participating Higher Education Institutes (HEIs).

At York, the results of the survey are considered by the York Graduate Research School (YGRS).

Schools and departments are asked to consider the results (with staff and PGRs) and to reflect on these as part of their PGR Annual Review process. This is then reported to the YGRS. 

Use of PRES results for publicity

PRES results should only be used in line with AdvanceHE’s Code of Practice. 

Further help

For survey queries:

For enquiries under the Data Protection Act or Freedom of Information Act: