Accessibility statement


This section summarises the University of York’s quality assurance framework for validation. The primary aim is to enable the University to ensure that validated external programmes of study are appropriate to the award of York qualifications in both standards and quality, while maintaining a continuing dialogue with Partner Organisations in respect of academic development and quality assurance.

The framework was originally developed in the light of the CVCP Code of Practice on Validation of Higher Education programmes offered in Partner Institutions and the HEQC publication Learning from Collaborative Audit, the latter being a report on the academic audits of collaborative provision undertaken by the former HEQC in universities involved in substantial validation activities. The framework was further developed in the light of the QAA’s Code of Practice for the Assurance of Academic Quality and Standards in Higher Education: Collaborative provision and flexible and distributed learning (including e-learning) (2004 and the amplified version October 2010) and has now been updated following the publication of the QAA’s UK Quality Code for Higher Education, Chapter B10: Managing higher education provision with others (2012). The framework also draws upon the University’s own prior experience of validation.


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