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Tohoku University

Tohoku University is a Japanese National University, and principal five campuses are located in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan. It was founded in 1907, and is the third oldest Imperial University in Japan among the seven Imperial Universities. Since its establishment, the university’s principle has been to put "Research First", while maintaining an “Open-Door” policy to emphasize 'Practice-Oriented Research and Education’. Tohoku University continues to offer students a world-class education, and to succeed in conducting pioneering research in various fields especially on materials science, physics, chemistry, medicine, and engineering.

Tohoku University has always been in the forefront of spintronics research. Researchers in Tohoku University cover a wide range of research areas from fundamental physics on materials and condensed matters to technology of applications for practical devices and systems from the theoretical as well as experimental aspects. Tohoku University has the capability to design, synthesis, fabricate, and characterize the spintronics materials and devices, and integrate them with CMOS integrated circuits on 300 mm Si wafers. Several departments and institutes at Tohoku University are involved in the research. They include Graduate School of Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Institute for Materials Research, Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, and Advanced Institute for Materials Research. Two centers, Center for Spintronics Integrated Systems and Center for Innovative Integrated Electronic Systems, are playing a leading role in the innovation of the integrated circuits with magnetic and spintronic devices. In 2014, Tohoku University founded Graduate Program in Spintronics and Spintronics Research and Education Promotion Office to promote spintronics not only from research activities but also from global education.

Prof. Masafumi Shirai (Japanese Coordinator)

Research Institute of Electrical Communications, Tohoku University

Prof. Burkard Hillebrands (German Coordinator)

Department of Physics, Technical University of Kaiserslautern

Prof. Vincent Baltz (French Coordinator)


Prof. Thomas Thomson

School of Computer Science, University of Manchester

Prof. Christopher Marrows

School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds

Prof. Keith McKenna

School of Physics, Engineering and Technology, University of York

Prof. Atsufumi Hirohata (UK Coordinator)

School of Physics, Engineering and Technology, University of York

Recent Updates

10/02/2023 15th workshop programme uploaded.

07/12/2022 14th workshop programme uploaded.

10/09/2022 13th workshop programme uploaded.

21/05/2022 12th workshop programme uploaded.

12/04/2022 11th workshop programme uploaded.

15/10/2019 10th workshop programme uploaded.

21/03/2019 9th workshop programme uploaded.

28/12/2018 8th workshop programme uploaded.

14/04/2018 7th workshop programme uploaded.

28/11/2017 6th workshop programme uploaded.

29/05/2017 5th workshop programme uploaded.

28/10/2016 4th workshop programme uploaded.

17/06/2016 3rd workshop programme uploaded.

09/11/2015 2nd workshop programme uploaded.

22/08/2015 This page launched for 1st workshop.