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Social Sciences

Studying the social sciences will give you the opportunity to learn a range of theories, reflecting on your own thoughts, actions, and interactions with organisations around you. Throughout the course, you will develop the confidence to summarise research, interpret key findings, and most importantly, relate ideas to important issues that concern us on an everyday basis.

Information about certification »

Information about award structure »

2024/25 Programme

This academic year we will be offering a mix of course modes for accredited modules with some online and some classroom-based courses.

Please ensure when you make a booking for a course that the mode of delivery meets with personal requirements - each course is only offered via one delivery mode.

Students signing up to work towards a Certificate of Higher Education should bear in mind that for future terms they may need to attend courses in York, in person.


Autumn term

  • Wednesday 2 October 2024: Psychology of Mental Health - with Emma Sullivan BSc MSc PhD (7-9pm, 11 weeks, £156, 10 credits), Online course.


Future modules

In order to help you to plan your studies, please find below a list of accredited social sciences modules which we intend to run later in the academic year:

Spring term:

  • Introduction to the Social Sciences

Summer term:

  • An Introduction to Criminology



Progression to the Department of Sociology

Upon completion of 60 credits it may be possible for students to progress to the Department of Sociology for undergraduate study.

The following gives an indication of what the department would be looking for:

  • For first year entry: 60 credits from Lifelong Learning with good marks. Students would need to apply via UCAS, by January each year.

For further information about progression to the Department of Sociology, please contact Prof Robin Wooffitt, (