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CPD Workshop: 人を「知る」こと、「聞き書き」とは What is ‘getting to know others’ and “Kikigaki” (interview and summarising verbatim accounts)?

Saturday 11 December 2021, 10.00AM to 1:00 PM

This event is part of the project / event series 「対話者」としての自分を振り返る ‘Reflection of self in dialogue’, developed and organised by the LFA Japanese Team’s Megumi Bailey and Yumi Nixon (Dept. Language and Linguistic Science) and Nayuta Brand (Japanese freelance teacher in Switzerland). The project has been awarded a grant from The Japan Foundation, London

Project poster: Reflection of self in dialogue

The event is the first workshop in the series and will take place on Saturday 11 December 2021 at 10.00 am via Zoom. 

Seminar 1. 人を「知る」こと、「聞き書き」とは What is ‘getting to know others’ and ”Kikigaki”(Interview and summarising verbatim accounts)?

”Kikigaki” involves interviewing others and writing their verbatim accounts, followed by summarising the content while making use of the expressions and sentences used by others as first-person accounts. ”Kikigaki” activity has the potential to help build listening skills by focusing on others while removing self-bias and thus laying the foundation for dialogues and the understanding of others. The process of writing will facilitate the reflection of interviews and the dialogic process.

In this session, as part of ”Kikigaki” introduction, participants will carry out a brief warm-up interview and introduction of others. This will give participants a taste of experience to think about what interview and getting to know others involve, followed by explanations of the procedure of “Kikigaki''.  

Participants will be divided into pairs and carry out interviews online after the first seminar.  Their written-up texts will be exchanged between each pair and reflection will be carried out in the third workshop in June.  Support from the facilitators, Yoko Ando (freelance writer) and Mayumi Chiba (Senior Programme Officer at The Japan Forum),  will be provided in the meantime.  

The seminar is for all Japanese language educators in the UK and beyond. It will be conducted entirely in Japanese. 

To join: please read the participants guidelines in the above poster and fill in the application form

Location: Online event, on Zoom