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Completed Projects


  • EMPRESS – A study comparing the pathway to diagnosis as an emergency presentation compared to diagnosis via the 2WW pathway for lung and colorectal cancer
  • STRATEGIC – An RCT of interventions to increase cervical screening uptake at first invitation in young women


  • BreatheMOR-HF – An RCT to determine whether prescribing slow-release daily morphine tablets to individuals with heart failure helps with breathlessness
  • FARSTER – A mixed methods feasibility study of early outpatient review and early cardiac rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass grafting
  • HOT – an RCT of home oxygen therapy for patients with chronic heart failure
  • SEDRIC – Development and piloting of a structured education programme promoting self-managed walking exercise in patients with intermittent claudication


  • 5Rs RCT – evaluation of a maths programme for GCSE resits
  • ABRA – Abracadabra an RCT of an online literacy programme for Year 1 pupils
  • ASSSIST – A study to develop a manualised Social Stories intervention for use with children with autism spectrum disorder in mainstream schools to reduce challenging behaviour.
  • Calderdale 1 – Calderdale Excellence Partnership’s Improving Writing Quality programme: a cluster randomised controlled trial
  • Calderdale 2 - Independent evaluation of using self-regulated strategy development and memorable experiences to improve writing quality
  • The Discovery Children’s Story Centre Summer Writing programme: a randomised controlled trial
  • EasyPeasy – pre-school learning through play: a cluster RCT
  • EAL – An RCT of English as an Additional Language training for classroom teachers at GCSE
  • E-PLAYS – Enhancing Pragmatic LAnguage skills for Young children with Social communication disorder: a feasibility study
  • Grammar for Writing – An RCT to understand the effectiveness of Grammar for Writing at improving the writing skills of Year 6 pupils
  • LEXIA – A trial of the effectiveness of Lexia Reading CORE5, a computer-based independent learning system for struggling readers in Year 2
  • Maths Champions – a cluster RCT of an online programme in supporting nursery practitioners to develop numeracy skills for children aged 3-4 years
  • Project-Based Learning – An RCT of delivery of all lessons and activities around a single complex enquiry or project for Year 7
  • Project Teensleep – a pilot study of the impact of sleep education on students’ sleep
  • ReflectED – An RCT of the ReflectED approach to developing metacognition skills in KS1+2 pupils to support attainment in maths and reading
  • SCI-napse – A pilot study followed by a full-scale pragmatic RCT evaluating the impact of a game-based approach to whole class teaching on pupils’ learning.
  • The Third Space Learning’s Online Maths Tuition Service – A cluster RCT
  • Tutor Trust – An RCT of the effectiveness of the Tutor Trust tutoring programme for improving maths attainment at Key Stage 2 for children who are performing below expected norms
  • The University of Exeter’s Grammar for Writing Programme – A cluster RCT
  • Year 5 Science – A multi-phase project to develop a Year 5 science attainment assessment for use as an evaluation outcome measure

Global Health

  • LEISH Sudan – A Phase IIa/IIb clinical trial to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of ChAd63-KH vaccine in patients with persistent post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis
  • MCLASS – Muslim Communities Learning About Second-hand Smoke: a cluster randomised controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis 
  • MCLASS II – Muslim Communities Learning About Second-hand Smoke in Bangladesh: an effectiveness-implementation hybrid study

Mental Health and Addiction

  • ACUDep - A trial of acupuncture or counselling with usual care, compared to usual care alone for the treatment of depression.
  • ARiAS – A research programme investigating methods of improving the physical and mental health of people with alcohol and/or illicit drug addiction identified within an acute setting
  • CASCADE - Case finding for depression in primary care
  • CASPER – An RCT of the effectiveness of CollAborative care and active surveillance for Screen-Positive EldeRs with subthreshold depression
  • CASPER PLUS – An RCT of the effectiveness of screening and low intensity psychosocial interventions for people over 65 years with major depressive disorders
  • cCBT – A pilot study exploring the potential of computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT) amongst an adolescent population
  • CHAMP-1 – A 5-year programme to design and evaluate in an RCT an intervention to incorporate discussion of alcohol use in medication appointments
  • CHEMIST – Evaluating the delivery of brief psychological support via community pharmacies to people with long-term health conditions at an increased risk of developing dementia: a feasibility and pilot study
  • Connect – A cluster RCT of the effectiveness of a training programme for police officers who come into contact with people with mental health problems and a series of systematic reviews on mental health and policing
  • CPIT III – An RCT to determine the effectiveness of providing financial incentives to pregnant smokers to encourage smoking cessation
  • Homeopathy for mental fatigue - A trial of homeopathic potassium phosphate for mental fatigue.
  • IMPACT – Increasing physical activity in a medium secure service: the development and feasibility of a physical activity intervention
  • PROTECT - Preventing blood borne virus infection in people who inject drugs in the UK: intervention development and feasibility study
  • REEACT – The Randomised Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Acceptability of Computerised Therapy for people with depression
  • RESPECT – Randomised Evaluation Sexual Health Promotion Evidence for Care and Treatment: a feasibility study of an intervention to promote sexual health for people with serious mental illness
  • SCIMITAR - Smoking Cessation Intervention for severe Mental Ill Health Trial (SCIMITAR): a pilot randomised control trial
  • SCIMITAR+ – An RCT evaluating the effectiveness of “bespoke smoking cessation” intervention for people with severe mental ill health
  • Y-SBNT – Family and social network intervention for young people who misuse alcohol and drugs: a feasibility randomised controlled trial


  • ATLAS - A trial evaluating Alexander Technique and acupuncture for chronic neck pain.
  • CaTS – a retrospective cohort study to identify current demographics and treatment pathways for calcific tendinitis
  • HERO – Hydroxychloroquine Effectiveness in Reducing symptoms of hand Osteoarthritis: an RCT
  • OKIS – Orthotic management of instability of the knee in neuromuscular disease: systematic review, qualitative study, survey and costing analysis
  • OPAL – A feasibility study of Occupational advice for Patients undergoing Arthroplasty of the Lower limb to improve speed of recovery
  • OSTRICH – An RCT of the effectiveness of two types of orthotics for treatment of symptomatic flat feet in children
  • OTIS – An RCT examining the effectiveness of Occupational Therapist led home environmental assessment and modification for the reduction of falls among high-risk older people
  • PROMOTE – Placebo-controlled trial of methotrexate to treat painful knee osteoarthritis
  • REFORM – Improving balance to prevent falls in older people: an RCT
  • SCOOP – SCreening for Osteoporosis in Older women for the Prevention of fractures: an RCT 
  • SSHeW – An RCT determining the effectiveness of slip resistant footwear in reducing slips among healthcare workers
  • STEPFORWARD – Patient acceptability of a novel prosthetic device: a randomised feasibility study in older patients with vascular-related amputations and multi-morbidities
  • YACBAC - The York acupuncture for back pain trial.

Oral Health

  • BRIGHT – Brushing RemInder 4 Good oral HealTh: an RCT of a school and text-based programme to improve the oral health of young people living in deprived areas


  • BreatheMOR-HF – An RCT to determine whether prescribing slow-release daily morphine tablets to individuals with heart failure helps with breathlessness
  • HERO – Hydroxychloroquine Effectiveness in Reducing symptoms of hand Osteoarthritis: an RCT
  • LEISH Sudan – A Phase IIa/IIb clinical trial to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of ChAd63-KH vaccine in patients with persistent post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis
  • PROMOTE – Placebo-controlled trial of methotrexate to treat painful knee osteoarthritis
  • RETREAT (F) - A feasibility study for an RCT of treatment withdrawal in psoriatic arthritis
  • Sleep disturbance – Pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for non-respiratory sleep disturbances in children with neurodevelopmental disorders: a systematic review

Primary care and community

  • ACE To Hear – A feasibility trial of delivering the Active Communication Education programme to unsuccessful new hearing-aid users
  • ACIBS - A trial to establish the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of acupuncture in primary care for irritable bowel syndrome.
  • BRIGHT – Brushing RemInder 4 Good oral HealTh: an RCT of a school and text-based programme to improve the oral health of young people living in deprived areas
  • CASCADE - Case finding for depression in primary care
  • CASPER – An RCT examining the effectiveness of Collaborative Care in Screen-Positive EldeRs
  • EVerT2 – An RCT of needling vs. nonsurgical debridement for the treatment of a Verruca
  • FIREFLI – An RCT to establish the effectiveness of safe and well visits by the Fire and Rescue Service in preventing falls and improving quality of life for people aged 70+
  • GYY – An RCT assessing the effectiveness of Gentle Years Yoga for older adults with multimorbidity, for improving health-related quality of life
  • HOT – An RCT of home oxygen therapy for patients with chronic heart failure
  • IMPACT-C19-P – The impact of Covid-19 on the delivery and receipt of prison healthcare in England: a mixed methods study
  • PACT – a programme of six inter-linked studies to understand and improve the experience and safety of care for elderly patients during transitions from hospital to home
  • REEACT – The Randomised Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Acceptability of Computerised Therapy for people with depression
  • Sleep disturbance – Pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for non-respiratory sleep disturbances in children with neurodevelopmental disorders: a systematic review

Public health and prevention

  • EXACT – EXercise for Adults with Crohn's disease: a feasibility Trial
  • FIREFLI – An RCT to establish the effectiveness of safe and well visits by the Fire and Rescue Service in preventing falls and improving quality of life for people aged 70+
  • Gateway – An RCT examining the effectiveness of an out-of-court community-based intervention aimed at improving health and well-being for young adult offenders
  • GYY – An RCT assessing the effectiveness of Gentle Years Yoga for older adults with multimorbidity, for improving health-related quality of life
  • IMPACT-C19-P – The impact of Covid-19 on the delivery and receipt of prison healthcare in England: a mixed methods study
  • MCLASS – Muslim Communities Learning About Second-hand Smoke in Bangladesh: a pilot study
  • MCLASS II – Muslim Communities Learning About Second-hand Smoke in Bangladesh: an effectiveness-implementation hybrid study
  • MiQuit 3 – An RCT and meta-analysis testing effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a tailored text message programme for smoking cessation in pregnancy
  • OTIS – An RCT examining the effectiveness of Occupational Therapist led home environmental assessment and modification for the reduction of falls among high-risk older people
  • PACT - A programme of six inter-linked studies to understand and improve the experience and safety of care for elderly patients during transitions from hospital to home
  • Patient Involvement in Patient Safety – A programme to design, develop and evaluate approaches to engage patients to protect against unintended harm
  • PERSONAL-EYE-S – Assessing the possibility of conducting a full scale RCT into the effectiveness of digitally printed versus hand-painted artificial eyes in adults: a feasibility study
  • PIP – an evaluation of a programme designed to increase physical activity in pre-schoolers in the playground
  • Project Teensleep – a pilot study of the impact of sleep education on students’ sleep
  • REFORM – Improving balance to prevent falls in older people: an RCT
  • RESPECT – A feasibility Randomised Evaluation Sexual Health Promotion Evidence for Care and Treatment, an intervention to promote sexual health for people with serious mental illness
  • SCOOP – Screening for osteoporosis in older women for the prevention of fractures: an RCT
  • SSHeW – An RCT determining the effectiveness of slip resistant footwear in reducing slips among healthcare workers
  • UNITING – A multi-phase study to Understand the uptake of Immunisations in Traveller and Gypsy communities and inform interventions to promote uptake


  • BreatheMOR-HF – An RCT to determine whether prescribing slow-release daily morphine tablets to individuals with heart failure helps with breathlessness
  • DOC – An RCT to Determine the Optimal approach to identifying individuals with Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


  • CASCADE - Case finding for depression in primary care
  • DOC – An RCT to Determine the Optimal approach to identifying individuals with Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • EMPRESS – A study comparing the pathway to diagnosis as an emergency presentation compared to diagnosis via the 2WW pathway for lung and colorectal cancer
  • SCOOP – Screening for osteoporosis in older women for the prevention of fractures: a randomised controlled trial
  • STRATEGIC – An RCT of interventions to increase cervical screening uptake at first invitation in young women

Surgery and devices

  • CaTS – a retrospective cohort study to identify current demographics and treatment pathways for calcific tendinitis
  • EVerT2 – An RCT of needling vs. nonsurgical debridement for the treatment of a Verruca
  • FARSTER – A mixed methods feasibility study of early outpatient review and early cardiac rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass grafting
  • KReBs – A RCT of the effect of a Two-layer Compression Bandage System on Knee Function following Total Knee Arthroplasty
  • L1FE – A RCT investigating the effectiveness of surgical fixation with INFIX compared to non-surgical management of LC-1 fragility fractures in older adults
  • PERSONAL-EYE-S – A feasibility study of digitally printed versus hand-painted artificial eyes in adults
  • Profher – An RCT to evaluate the effectiveness of surgical versus non-surgical treatment for the majority of displaced fractures of the proximal humerus in adults
  • PRESTO – Pragmatic Randomised Evaluation of Stable Thoracolumbar fracture treatment Outcomes
  • OKIS – Orthotic management of instability of the knee in neuromuscular disease: systematic review, qualitative study, survey and costing analysis
  • OPAL – A feasibility study of Occupational advice for Patients undergoing Arthroplasty of the Lower limb to improve speed of recovery
  • OSTRICH – An RCT of the effectiveness of two types of orthotics for treatment of symptomatic flat feet in children
  • QIST – Avoiding surgical site infection and anaemia at the time of surgery using a quality improvement Collaborative model: an RCT
  • SSHeW – An RCT determining the effectiveness of slip resistant footwear in reducing slips among healthcare workers
  • STEPFORWARD – Patient acceptability of a novel prosthetic device: a randomised feasibility study in older patients with vascular-related amputations and multi-morbidities
  • SWIFFT – An RCT to determine whether adults with a fracture of the scaphoid waist should receive plaster cast treatment or surgical fixation
  • UK FROST – A RCT comparing three treatments for patients referred to secondary care with a frozen shoulder


  • AVURT – An RCT assessing the effectiveness of aspirin for the treatment of venous leg ulcers
  • KReBs – An RCT of the effect of a Two-layer Compression Bandage System on Knee Function following Total Knee Arthroplasty
  • Open surgical wounds – Describing the problem and identifying effective treatments
  • VenUS IV – An RCT to compare the clinical and cost effectiveness of compression hosiery compared with 4-layer compression bandaging in terms of ulcer healing and quality of life