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Retreat case notes

[Back to Walter Freelove Brown's story]

Handwritten extract from the case notes of Walter Freelove Brown, in black ink on blue paper. The document details part of his time as a patient at The Retreat.


He is short in stature, flabby and heavy looking, with a surly and epileptic expression of countenance. His head is fairly formed and covered with with dark brown hair. A little hair is just appearing on his lip and chin. His features are coarse and unrefined – Eyes grey – pupils normal – Tongue clear – Pulse 72 of fair average strength. The bowels are regular and all the bodily functions appear well carried on.

On admission his mental condition appears to be that often seen in the interval of attacks between epilepsy. He answers questions rationally and with a fair amount of intelligence, but he is heavy and somewhat repulsive looking, and his face indicates the possession of unregulated outbursts of passion. He says he is quite well – that the epileptic attacks come on once in every three weeks and that they last only a few minutes, and that he sleeps every time two hours after.