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What is mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process in which trained mediators help people in dispute work out an agreement. Mediation is facilitated by trained staff, and is completely separate to any other University procedures.

The outcome of mediation is often an agreement which focuses on improving relationships and conflict resolution. It is the parties involved in the mediation, not the mediator, who decide on the terms of the agreement.

Mediation at York has the following key characteristics:

  • available to all staff
  • can happen at any time, regardless of ongoing formal processes
  • will normally be organised within two weeks of both parties agreeing to mediation
  • will be mediated, wherever possible, by our qualified in-house mediators from across the University
  • is voluntary, informal, confidential and without prejudice
  • runs separately to any other employment related procedures

What do the mediators do?


  • facilitate discussion between the parties
  • clarify underlying feelings to help parties understand each other
  • support parties to generate ideas and agreements for the future
  • remain impartial and non-judgemental
  • ensure that both parties get the opportunity to speak and listen

Mediators do not:

  • make a judgement or decision, or "take sides".

Benefits of mediation

Mediation can:

  • reduce levels of stress around a difficult relationship
  • improve communication and understanding in work relationships
  • ease transitions back to work after a long-term absence or formal process
  • provide a flexible, tailored solution that meets the needs of all involved
  • be much quicker than formal processes

As mediation is an informal, voluntary, confidential service and is without prejudice, it is not recorded on your personal file at the University.

Who can use mediation?

The mediation service can assist in a number of situations, including:

  • where a breakdown in communication has occurred between two parties
  • two parties are in dispute over a particular issue
  • managers or colleagues require support in managing a difficult conversation

Want to know more?

To find out more about mediation, please contact us.

01904 32 4838 


  • Parties - the individuals in dispute who take part in the mediation
  • Without Prejudice - the details of the mediation cannot be used in any future procedures (for example, a grievance or harassment case).