Accessibility statement

Principles for hybrid working

As we move towards a new way of working, we have developed a set of principles to work to.

We are inclusive by default

Working remotely means using digital tools accessible to all and being mindful of the barriers that create digital exclusion.  

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We are driven by curiosity, challenge and innovation

We embrace remote working as an opportunity to experiment with and learn digital skills and new ways of working.

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Meeting choices balance community and individual needs

In a hybrid working model, we think carefully about meeting formats. Too many face-to-face meetings may mean that staff are on campus too often, and not enough could put our strong and vibrant community at risk.

Graphic showing calendar date with a tick

Data is safe and secure

Whether working on campus or remotely, we follow the Seven Golden Rules of information security.

graphic showing padlock with routes coming in and out

Digital-first does not mean 24/7 

We prioritise wellbeing by taking regular screen breaks and respecting each other’s working hours and availability.

Graphic showing laptop screen open with line-drawn people on it

We make thoughtful choices about ways of working

Sometimes a Zoom Phone call, Slack message or shared document is better suited to the task or individual than a meeting. Our meeting principles and tips for thinking about format will help you to choose the right approach.

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We trust our colleagues

We trust people to make the right decisions about how and where they work rather than micro-manage. 

Graphic showing two people with thought bubbles above

We build a community of shared purpose

Using our digital tools we share information with each other about our work, so that it’s visible and accessible online.

Graphic showing people in circles connected by lines

Staff are empowered to design digital services that serve us best

Services can be delivered online-only or through a blended approach, using our core digital platforms.



Graphic showing laptop screen open with line-drawn people on it

Meeting principles

We've developed these principles for meetings, to ensure we all get the best out of our time together.

Every meeting has a clear purpose and objective(s)

  • This purpose and objective(s) will vary and could include one or more of: information cascade, decision making, assurance, creating solutions or team building, but it should always be clear why the meeting is needed. 

Every meeting is held in the most efficient and effective format possible

  • The pandemic period has taught us that the vast majority of meetings can be held virtually. With the option to have in-person meetings becoming available, a default to in-person meetings should be avoided and consideration given to how digital meetings can be continued. 

Every meeting, and its membership, is regularly reviewed with all attendees to ensure it adds value

  • Both the membership of the meeting and the added value of the meeting should be reviewed regularly and adjusted/ceased as appropriate to ensure the original purpose and objective(s) are being met.

Every meeting should be held only as frequently as absolutely necessary

  • Meetings are a means to an end, a tool for achieving an output. They should be used sparingly in order to free up time to actually deliver the work required. 

Every member of a meeting should be clear on what they contribute to the meeting and what they take from the meeting

  • Staff should feel empowered to clarify their role in a meeting and be free to decline the meeting if they are not adding or taking value.

Every meeting should have only the minimum required level of administration support required  

  • While formal committees and governance forums may require formal written minutes, notes and actions, other types of meetings do not and we should avoid unnecessary administration that does not add any value.