Going to university is about much more than your degree - you'll never have so many opportunities to meet new people, experience new things and make friends for life!
You can get involved in societies, sports, college life, volunteering and much more. With clubs from TikTok to Tolkien, you'll meet people who share your interests, no matter how niche. And if you feel something is missing, it's easy to set up a society of your own.
Our Students' Union also has networks and support groups for a range of communities, including BAME Network, Women's Network, LGBTQ Network and the International Students' Association.
Over 200 societies
all entirely organised by and for students
Over 65 sports clubs
plus lots of college sports clubs
Plenty of volunteering projects
and lots of other volunteering opportunities to get involved in
We believe that University should be more than just about your course. Through the Union, we provide the highest number of student societies, sports clubs, networks and volunteering projects per capita in the country, allowing you to make friends, and develop skills beyond the classroom.
Pierrick Roger, University of York Students' Union President 2022/24
I have fully embraced student life during my time at the University. Being president of James College Tennis, DJ to Circus and Magic Society, and shooting in the archery at Roses are but a few of the cool things I have enjoyed doing. Many of my closest friends were made on sports teams and the student-run element really gives you the freedom to shape the club.
Kabeer, Physics
FAQs: student life at York
Who better to tell you about student life at York than some of our current students? Hear them talk about everything from LGBT+ student groups to Freshers' Week (2 mins).
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Our Students' Union
The University of York Students' Union (YUSU) is at the heart of student life at York. They organise huge events such as Freshers' Week and Summer Ball, oversee over 200 student societies and represent your interests to the University and beyond (2 mins).
Student life in pictures
Are you an international student?
Being an international student at York is great. You can jump into something quintessentially British (tea society anyone?), as well as feeling close to home with one of many societies bringing together students from your country.
Hear from Mi Chelle on the reasons she chose York, including societies (2 mins).
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