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FLOW: Fluency in Oral interaction Workshop

Thursday 15 June 2017, 10.00AM to 6.00pm

This workshop will be of interest to all researchers interested in second language oral fluency in the narrow sense (i.e. fluidity of oral production) and its development, including those interested in the acquisition of fluency in instructed and immersion contexts as well as those interested fluency assessment. Fluency, even when narrowly defined as fluidity of oral production, is a complex construct and measuring it presents a number of challenges. The purpose of this workshop will be to provide researchers basic training in the use of PRAAT to code oral data for a range of fluency measures, as well as an opportunity to discuss some of the many challenges associated with measuring oral fluency (see programme, below).

Thanks to the Centre for Advanced Studies in Language and Education (CReLLU), Department of Education, University of York, this event is free to attend. Places are, however, limited and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Coffee will be provided in the afternoon. Participants joining the PRAAT workshop in the morning are, however, asked to provide their own lunch.

Registration has now closed. To add your name to the waiting list, please complete our online form.

Seminars in the afternoon will be streamed live. Receive information on how to join them.

For further information about the event, please contact the organiser Dr Zoe Handley (


10.00am Exploring oral fluency using PRAAT
(Zoe Handley, University of York; Stewart Cooper, PhD student, University of York; & Ann-Marie Hunter, St. Mary's University)

Venue: Biology R block B/R/012
12.30pm Lunch break
2.00pm Challenges in measuring and assessing second language oral frequency
(Parvaneh Tavakoli, University of Reading)

Venue: Derwent College D/L/104 (SCR)
3.00pm Broadening the context for analysing fluency - time and task effects on Mandarin in fluency development during Study Abroad
(Claire Wright, University of Leeds)
3.30pm Coffee break and poster session
4.45pm Investigating fluency across multiple languages and tasks
(Amanda Huensch, University of South Florida)
5.15pm What is oral fluency?
(Zoe Handley, University of York)
5.45pm Summing up
(Zoe Handley, University of York)

Location: B/R/012 (am) / D/L/104 (SCR) (pm)