Accessibility statement

Professor Graeme Davies



I hold a PhD in International Relations from the University of Essex. After finishing my PhD, I was a Lecturer at Aberystwyth University, then Professor in International Security at the University of Leeds. I joined the University of York in 2019.

Departmental roles

I am currently REF lead.



My research examines the relationship between domestic politics and state behaviour in the international system. My research has two strands with the first investigating how public opinion influences the likelihood of international conflict. I have examined how public dissatisfaction with the Government leads to more aggressive behaviours on the international stage and I have also investigated how public opinion influences the likelihood of successful coercive diplomacy. I have published work on US, Iranian and North Korean foreign policies. My articles on this topic have appeared in several leading journals including the Journal of Conflict Resolution, the Journal of Peace Research and Foreign Policy Analysis amongst others.  The second strand of research looks at the influences on public opinion about international relations (funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)). My work has examined media representations of drone strikes (winner of British Journal of Politics and International Relations best article of 2018), public support for attacking Islamic States (published in the Journal of Politics) and attitudes towards coercive diplomacy (published in International Studies Quarterly) amongst others. I am currently conducting research on Chinese public attitudes towards international affairs.


PhD Supervision:

  • Ayse Gerrit- PREVENT and public communications
  • Weitian Liu- Senate Responses to China
  • Zhihao Ma- Chinese Diaspora Identity

Professor Graeme Davies welcomes PhD applications in the following areas:

  • Conflict
  • Security
  • China
  • Foreign Policy
  • Quantitative, Coercion



War and Peace POL00007I/POL00014I

Contact details

Professor Graeme Davies
Department of Politics and International Relations
University of York
Heslington Lane
YO10 5DD

Tel: 01904 323546
