

Biogemma is a biotech company specialized in field crops: maize, wheat, oilseeds and sunflower. Biogemma has developed a large range of expertises in genetic engineering and genomics and has been widely involved in a number of projects in collaboration with public/private partners, including GENOPLANTE and former EC projects. In SUNLIBB, Biogemma will be involved in WP1 to WP4, providing a support in bioanalysis and data mining in WP1 and WP2, by screening our mutant collection in WP3 and by performing transcriptomics studies on well-known lignin mutants in WP4.

BIOGEMMA - Maize silks
Maize silks 
BIOGEMMA - Maize kernel
Maize kernel displaying patterns characteristic of Mutator somatic excision from Bz1-mum9 gene in the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway


SUNLIBB and CeProBIO logos