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Dr Hamid R Younesi



Dr Hamid R Younesi
LLB (SBU), LLM (SBU), LLM (Dundee), PhD (York), PGCAP (York), FHEA (Advance HE)

Programme Leader for the LLM Law Programme & Standing Academic Misconduct Panel (StAMP) Member

Dr Hamid Younesi is a Lecturer in Law at University of York. He received an LLB with First Class Honours (Summa Cum Laude), and LLM in Private Law and LLM in International Business Law all with distinction (Summa Cum Laude) from National University of Iran (SBU). He also has LLM in International Oil and Gas Law & Policy from CEPMLP, University of Dundee (Distinction).

Dr Younesi holds a PhD in Law from York Law School, University of York; and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in international investment law and international arbitration. He was also a visiting scholar at the Peace Palace Library, The Hague, The Netherlands. His research interests span international business law, law of obligation, international investment law including the law of damages, international dispute settlement, complex contracts and international oil and gas law.

In addition, he has extensive experience, as practitioner in high-profile cases in the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), the Iran-US Claims Tribunal, and the International Court of Justice (ICJ), The Hague, The Netherlands. He also has transactional experience and worked as Chief Legal Counsel and Director of Legal and Contract Department in the largest energy companies.



  • Law of obligations
  • Complex contracts
  • International investment law
  • International dispute settlement
  • International business law
  • Energy law
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • International law

Dr Younesi welcomes expressions of interest for prospective PhD students in his areas of interest. 


Selected publications

For a full list of outputs, please visit my University of York Pure research page.


  • International Energy Investment Law: Balancing Host State and Foreign Investor Interests (Routledge, 2024).

Peer Reviewed Journals

  • Younesi, H. ‘The Adequacy of Remedies in International Investment Law: Should the Legal Framework Be Revisited For A Proper Remedy?’, The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), 88 (1) Arbitration: The International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management, (2022) 101, (Wolters Kluwer).

  • Younesi, H. ‘Renegotiation of International Energy Investment Transactions: The Necessity of Contractual Flexibility’, Oil, Gas and Energy Law Journal, (2022).

  • Younesi, H. ‘Obsolescing Bargain and Economic Equilibrium in International Energy Investment Contracts’, 33 (6) European Business Law Review, (2022), 915-934, (Wolters Kluwer).

  • Younesi, H. ‘The Implementation of Relational Contract Theory in International Investment Contracts’, 27(4) Journal of International Trade Law & Regulation (2021), 256-279, (Sweet & Maxwell).

  • Younesi, H. ‘Indirect Expropriation in the Petroleum Industry: The Response of International Arbitrations’, 5 (4) Petroleum Business Review (2021) 10.

  • Younesi, H. ‘The Pursuit of Stability in International Petroleum Contracts: The Role of Stabilisation Clauses in Minimisation of Disputes’, 5 International Business Law Journal (2021), 659-683, (Sweet & Maxwell).

  • Younesi, H. ‘The Taking Over of the Foreign Investor’s Property by the Host State in International Petroleum Agreements: How International Arbitration Practice Is Responding’, 5 (2) Petroleum Business Review, (2021) 75-86.



  • Legal Skills
  • Law, Commerce & Finance 
  • Introduction to Law & Society 
  • Legal Concepts 
  • Dissertation Supervisor 


  • International Commercial Arbitration (Module Leader)
  • International Investment Law (Module Leader)
  • Dissertation Supervisor 
Dr Younesi welcomes expressions of interest for prospective PhD students in his areas of interest. 

External activities


  • Society of Legal Scholars (SLS), UK
  • The Association of International Energy Negotiators, (AIEN), USA 
  • YAAP, the Austrian Arbitration Association
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), UK
  • Young International Arbitration Group (YIAG) of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
  • Energy Institute (EI), London, UK
  • Y&I, International Centre for Dispute Resolution, USA
  • Young ICCA, The International Council for Commercial Arbitration, The Netherlands
  • Socio-Legal Studies Association
  • CEPANI40, the Belgian Centre for Arbitration and Mediation, (CEPANI)
  • Young Arbitrators Group, The International Chamber of Commerce, (ICC), France
  • German Institution of Arbitration, (DIS)
  • British Institute of Energy Economics, UK
  • Swiss Arbitration Association, (ASA)


  • Transnational Dispute Management Journal
  • Oil, Gas and Energy Law Journal
  • Culmination of Law Journal
  • Journal of Social Sciences (Springer Nature)

Contact details

Dr Hamid Younesi
York Law School

Tel: +44 (0)1904 32 8645