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FORCE Study within TRECA

The FORCE study is one of the 6 SWATs undertaken within the TRECA study and is seeking to improve the treatment of children who have a minor injury to their wrist, called a torus (or buckle) fracture. These injuries are really common, and thousands of children sustain them in the UK each year. They are stable injuries, meaning that the bones do not move out of place, and are really similar to a sprain. It is known that they heal quickly in a few weeks, whatever the treatment given. Despite these high numbers, doctors are not sure whether it is best to treat these injuries with early movement to prevent stiffness or with a hard splint which holds the wrist in one position.

The FORCE study will compare two treatments:

  • early use of the wrist and an optional bandage, and a point of contact for any ongoing concern
  • hard splints and follow up according to the treating hospital’s current outpatient policy

See summary of the multimedia we tested: