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Natalie Lam
PhD Student



Natalie is researching the role of adverse childhood experiences, social context and economic position on child and adolescent mental health in a PhD Studentship in Lifecourse Epidemiology and Public Mental Health, supervised by Professor Simon Gilbody and Dr Ruth Wadman. The project uses the rich data collected in the Born in Bradford study.

Natalie started working in health research after completing the PG Diploma in Health Research and Master of Public Health. She had worked as a Clinical Research Officer at South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, a Data Manager in the Clinical Trials Service Unit of the University of Oxford, and a Research Fellow in the Academic Unit for Ageing and Stroke Research of Bradford Institute for Health Research, mainly in clinical trials and systematic reviews about mental health and ageing. She has developed an interest in epidemiology from these experiences; hence she has been studying in a PG Diploma course in Epidemiology.


  • Master of Public Health (University of Leeds)
  • PG Diploma in Health Research (University of Leeds)
  • BSc (Hons) Nutritional Studies (Leeds Metropolitan University)



Natalie's research interests are lifecourse epidemiology, applied epidemiology, public health and mental health.


Research group(s)


Selected publications

  • Johansson JF, Lam N, Ozer S, Hall J, Morton S, English C, Fitzsimons C, Lawton R, Forster A, Clarke D. A Systematic Review of Process Evaluations of Interventions in Trials Investigating Sedentary Behaviour in Adults. BMJ Open 2022;12(1) e053945;
  • Crocker TF, Brown L, Lam N, Wray F, Knapp P, Forster A. Information provision for stroke survivors and their carers. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD001919.
  • Crocker, T. F., Clegg, A., Riley, R. D., Lam, N., Bajpai, R., Jordao, M., ... & Gladman, J. R. (2021). Community-based complex interventions to sustain independence in older people, stratified by frailty: a protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis. BMJ open, 11(2), e045637.
  • Hall, J. F., Corepal, R., Crocker, T. F., Lam, N., Burton, L. J., Birch, K., ... & Forster, A. (2021). A systematic review and meta-analysis of non-workplace interventions to reduce time spent sedentary in adults. medRxiv
  • Gathercole, R., Bradley, R., Harper, E., Davies, L., Pank, L., Lam, N., ... & Howard, R. (2021). Assistive technology and telecare to maintain independent living at home for people with dementia: the ATTILA RCT. Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 25(19), 1
  • Howard, R., Gathercole, R., Bradley, R., Harper, E., Davis, L., Pank, L., Lam, N. ... & Gray, R. (2021). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of assistive technology and telecare for independent living in dementia: a randomised controlled trial. Age and ageing, 50(3), 882-890
  • Forsyth, K., Henderson, C., Davis, L., Singh Roy, A., Dunk, B., Curnow, E., Gathercole, R., Lam, N., Harper, E., Leroi, I. and Woolham, J., 2019. Assessment of need and practice for assistive technology and telecare for people with dementia—The ATTILA (Assistive Technology and Telecare to maintain Independent Living At home for people with dementia) trial. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions, 5©, pp.420-430 ORCID: 0000-0001-8591-444X

Contact details

Natalie Lam
PhD Student