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General Mentoring Resources

In this section there are resources for supporting mentors with designing effective training programmes, advice on giving feedback and handling different mentoring challenges,  and practical resources such as exemplar timetables.

Resources for CCF informed mentor meetings

Here is some guidance to support mentors with ideas to address the 'Learn how to statements' in the Core Content Framework. These have been designed by the mentor team and contain practical suggestions as well as references to the content of the university-based taught sessions.


Maths Weekly Lesson Observation Form Exemplars

In this folder, there are examples of real weekly observation forms. These may be particularly useful for setting subject-specific targets.

Weekly Lesson Observation Form Sample A (MS Word , 427kb)

Weekly Lesson Observation Form Sample B (MS Word , 427kb)

Weekly Lesson Observation Form Sample C (MS Word , 427kb)

Maths Review Exemplars

These may be useful to give ideas for what could be captured in each section. These reviews have been written to represent trainees at different stages of their development and as such do not 'flow' as a single review. For each review, we request that subject specificity is kept in mind (i.e. a maths classroom context) and as such at least one target is to be maths specific. There are some examples also attached. If you spot any mistakes or issues please email

Maths Weekly Record of Discussion with Mentor

Setting targets and assessing pupil progress

In this section there is guidance of developing subject specific targets and how to identify pupil progress.

Maths Specific Targets (PDF , 83kb)

Maths Pupil Progress - observer chart (PDF , 314kb)

Resources for CCF informed mentor meetings

Here are a set of guides to support mentors with ideas to address the 'Learn how to statements' in the Core Content Framework. These have been designed by the mentor team and contain practical suggestions as well as references to the content of the university-based taught sessions:

Maths Mentor Meeting Planning Proforma (1) (PDF , 39kb)

1.High Expectations (PDF , 38kb)

2.How Pupils Learn (PDF , 40kb)

3.Subject and Curriculum (PDF , 46kb)

4.Classroom Practice (PDF , 44kb)

5. Adaptive Teaching (PDF , 39kb)

6. Assessment (PDF , 41kb)

7.Managing Behaviour (PDF , 37kb)

8.Professional Behaviours (PDF , 40kb)

Specific Pupil Needs - SEND, EAL.pdf (PDF , 28kb)


General enquiries

PGCE Administrator
Department of Education
University of York
Y010 5DD
Tel: +44 (0)1904 323184

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