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Students rank Education in the top ten for teaching

Posted on 23 August 2011

Once again, the Department of Education at York has been ranked in the top ten of UK universities’ Education departments for the quality of its teaching at undergraduate level

The Department of Education at the University of York has been ranked in the top ten of UK universities’ Education departments by its Undergraduate students. The Department was ranked 7th for the quality of its teaching, 6th for academic support and 2nd for the organisation and management of its undergraduate programmes. Overall, 81% of Education students at York expressed strong satisfaction with their course.  The Department also achieved the highest response rate in the University for the second year running.

Vanita Sundaram, Director of Undergraduate Studies, said: “This is a great result for the Department, which indicates that our students continue to enjoy excellent teaching and support across our programmes. We place high importance on maintaining an outstanding quality of experience for our students and take pride in the positive responses received.”

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