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Department Community Coordinators (DCCs)

What is the DCC Model?

The Department Community Coordinator (DCC) model puts students at the heart of building inclusive learning communities within departments and schools at York. A key aspect of this approach is that DCCs are paid student roles in departments, working collaboratively with staff, student societies and student reps. The project was initially established during the pandemic, in January 2021, to support students develop connections and relationships in their department. In subsequent years, the DCC project has focused on building departmental learning communities to support students as they returned to campus and their transition into university or between stages.

Following a successful pilot of the DCC model, from September 2023 we are moving towards a new funding model for the DCC project. The new ‘Student-led Learning Community Fund’ will enable departments/schools/centres to request funding for DCCs, as well as Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) and/or new projects focused on developing student-led learning communities. This opt-in funding model will give departments/schools/centres more flexibility and ownership over how they approach learning community work in their own contexts.

DCCs in 2023-24 

Under the new Funding model, all departments will be allocated funding for one UG DCC role for up to 12 weeks (for 7 hours a week), should they choose this approach. In recognition of their greater number of programmes and students, Schools will be allocated funding for two UG DCCs for 12 weeks. 

If departments want multiple (3 or more for schools) DCCs and/or to wish to employ DCCs for longer than 12 weeks, they will be required to apply for additional funding. The ‘additional funding’ element of the Fund - also including new projects and alternative approaches to PAL - will be competitive and proposals will be assessed on their quality, sustainability and alignment with key aims such as belonging, closing gaps, and supporting academic and social transitions. 

If requesting funding for DCCs in 2023-24, you will have the freedom to develop your own objectives, role descriptions and timelines. You may want your DCCs to focus again on student-led induction and transition. Alternatively, you might want to focus on activities that promote inclusion and cultural exchange between students and staff. You might want your DCCs to start in January, as opposed to October, in order to focus on developing informal study groups in Semester Two. The only requirement is that your DCC approach has the potential to positively impact students’ sense of community, belonging and learning.

Next Steps

To apply for the funding, departments will be invited to complete this 'expression of interest' form where you will indicate what approach you want to take - for example, one UG DCC. Based on your expression of interest, the Inclusive Learning Team will contact you to arrange an optional scoping meeting. If you have any questions, please contact