Accessibility statement

Tonghua Li


Title of research:

The geopolitics of global food trade: investigating the implications for food security and environmental sustainability

Brief overview of research topic:

I am doing a PhD co-supervised by Professor Tony Heron in the Department of Politics & International Relations and Jonathan Green at the Stockholm Environment Institute, York. I am interested in studying how geopolitical dynamics alter food production and consumption patterns and reflect on the potential impacts of such changes on environmental sustainability.


University of York - China Scholarship Council (CSC) joint-funded PhD Scholarship


Research interests

environmental politics, food security, the political economy of international relations, global trade and sustainable production and consumption, Geopolitics.

Tonghua is a researcher on the PhD in Environment and Politics.



  • Master of Science in International Relations (Distinction), University of Glasgow, UK
  • Bachelor of Management in Agricultural & Forestry Economics Management, Yunnan Agricultural University (Co-operation Programme with New Zealand Lincoln University), China and New Zealand

image of Tonghua Li

Contact details

Tonghua is supervised by Professor Tony Heron and Dr Jonathan Green