Accessibility statement

Shaswati Das


Title of Research:

Why Violence Prevails: Understanding Jihadist Recruitment and Counterterrorism in Kashmir

Brief overview of research topic:

Shaswati’s research examines and explains why recruitment into jihadist groups in Kashmir remains (un)changed, in the wake of coercive counterterrorism and peacebuilding initiatives. The research intersects with the social movement theory framework to examine dominant transnational jihadist groups in the India-Pakistan region, their recruitment practices in Kashmir, as well as political and geopolitical structures that impact such groups.



BA (Hons) Economics from the University of Delhi (India)

Masters in Mass Communication from Symbiosis International University (Pune, India)

Field experience

Shaswati served as a field reporter for 10 years (2010-2020), specialising as a conflict and political correspondent. During her tenure, she covered various regions and issues, spanning terrorism, conflict, left wing extremism, Parliamentary debates, financial crimes and the Ministry of Home Affairs (India).

Teaching Experience

2021-2023: Seminar Tutor (Introduction to International Politics)

2023-24: Seminar Tutor (Political Analysis)


Das, S. (2023). This side of paradise: The rise, fall and decimation of regional politics in Kashmir. In I. Roy (Ed.), Passionate politics: Democracy, development and India’s 2019 general election (pp. 97–105). Manchester University Press.

phot of PhD student Shaswati Das

Shaswati is supervised by Professor Graeme Davies and Dr Gyda Sindre

Contact details

Ms Shaswati Das