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What does Brexit mean for the future of gender equality?

Posted on 1 June 2023

New article by Dr. Anna Sanders

Dr Anna Sanders has a new blog piece that has been published online on LSE British Politics and Policy.

The blog: "What does Brexit mean for the future of gender equality?" was first published on 31st May 2023.


Brexit has led to stronger powers for Westminster, a diminished role for international courts and the revocation of key legislation for the protection of human rights. Anna Sanders explains why all these factors are likely to have a profound and detrimental impact on gender equality in the UK.  

The outcome of the EU referendum raised significant concerns among gender equality activists about the future of gender equality. Sam Smethers, then CEO of the Fawcett Soceity, warned that Brexit risked “turning back the clock on gender equality”. At the same time, Mary-Ann Stephenson, Director of the Women’s Budget Group, noted that “the overall impact of Brexit is likely to be negative…This will affect women as users, workers and consumers”. In our recent article, published in the Journal of European Public Policy, we ask: what does Brexit mean for the future of gender equality policy?