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Athena Swan Initiative Award

Posted on 15 June 2023

Winners announced

image of Jesse Machin

A message from our Equality and Diversity lead Professor Monica Brito Vieira:
I am delighted to announce that the recipients of the 2022-2023 Athena Swan Initiative Award are Jesse Machin and the student-led Anti-Racism Working Group.
Let us all give them a big round of applause for advancing and expanding gender equality in higher education. It is highly rewarding for me to see students as the bearers and forerunners of a more equitable society. Well done! 
Jesse says: "I'm really pleased to have been able to contribute to advancing gender equality in the Department by supporting Monica with the Athena Swan Bronze Award renewal process. It's especially good to know that the Department's EDI agenda will be broadening in terms of gender diversity and trans inclusion in response to the new Athena Swan Charter as well. Receiving recognition of my effort to support that project is so encouraging, and very much appreciated. Thank you!"
The student-led Anti-Racism Working Group says: "The student members of the anti-racism working group are delighted to hear that we have been awarded the Athena Swan Initiative Award for our cross-disciplinary anti-racist work at York. We are also happy to hear that Athena Swan's Charter has become more intersectional and formally recognises the interconnected and intersecting impact of racism, sexism, gender violence and other forms of oppression."