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Extreme ultra-violet laser physics and applications

A capillary discharge produces laser output at 46.9 nm via amplified spontaneous emission from neon-like argon ions. A Z-pinch arrangement compressed the plasma to a diameter of 100 microns in a length of 19 cm with lasing occurring along the line of plasma.

Plasma Capillary

Schematic showing the compression of plasma in capillary discharge laser.


Theoretical work has been undertaken  to develop models of the ionisation in the plasmas at high density and low temperature irradiated by the high flux of incoming EUV light.   There are overlaps with the physics of indirect drive inertial fusion where a hohlraum creates radiation that compressed the fuel and pellet shell to high density, but the temperature is kept cool so as to enable the compression.

Experimental studies on the ablation of solid targets to create micro-features alongside fluid code simulations have  been undertaken.