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How to get involved in YorNight

North Yorkshire South Guides can complete their Girlguiding Science Badge by coming along to this fun night of free activities, mini-talks, games and experiments. Further details below.

Science Badge: Section 1

Take part in our YorTheory competition to complete Section 1 of your Science Badge. Girl guides must submit under any of the following areas outlined by the Science Badge guidelines:

  • Transport: How would transport on the moon be different from on earth?
  • Weather: Learn about predicting, measuring and preparing for weather.
  • Crime Scene Investigation: Find out what happens when a crime is being investigated.
  • It’s all about me: How to keep your body healthy.
  • Science of a night out: What part does science play in a night out?
  • Home of the future: How do developments in science and engineering improve the way we live?
    (You could use the National Grid resource below to help you complete this clause.)
  • Animals and nature: What impact do we, as humans, have on nature and what positive things can you do to tackle this?
  • Flash, bang, goo: Can mixing things change what they do?

You will need to submit two projects to complete this section of your badge.

Science Badge: Section 3

Coming to YorNight will fulfill Section 3 of your Science Badge requirements. Pick up or print out a YorNight brochure (this will be available from the website soon) and collect a sticker from one or more of our 'zones'. You will need to ask your Girl Guide Leader to verify this as a contribution to your badge.