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History, Heritage and Archaeology
Spring Long Courses
Monday 27 January 2025: Homo Sapiens: A Journey Through the Ice Age - with Simone Chisena BA MSc AFHEA (7-9pm, 8 weeks, £91), Online course .
Monday 27 January 2025: The Consequences of the Anglo-Norman Invasion of Ireland - with Gillian Waters BA MA PGDip PGCE (7-9pm, 8 weeks, £91), Online course .
Tuesday 28 January 2025: Travelling in the Middle Ages - with Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD (2-4pm, 8 weeks, £91), Online course .
Wednesday 29 January 2025: Medieval Monumental Churches of Northern England - with Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD (7-9pm, 8 weeks, £91), Online course .
Thursday 30 January 2025: Who were the Cathars? Life, Beliefs, and Destruction of the Languedoc Heretics - with Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD (2-4pm, 8 weeks, £91), Online course .
Thursday 30 January 2025: The Maritime Republics: Venice, Genoa, Pisa, and Amalfi - with Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD (7-9pm, 8 weeks, £91), Online course .
Spring Saturday Courses
Saturday 22 February 2025: Introduction to Local History - with Joe Saunders MA MPhil (10am-4.30pm, 1 week, £57), The King’s Manor.
Saturday 1 March 2025: Bede the Scientist - with Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD (10am-4.30pm, 1 week, £57), The King’s Manor.
Saturday 01 March 2025: Bodies, Busks and Baleen: An Exploration of Corsetry from the Early Modern Period to the Early Twentieth Century - with M Faye Prior BA MA PhD AMA (10am-4.30pm, 1 week, £57), University of York Campus, Classroom-based course .
Saturday 01 March 2025: Alice Chaucer, Duchess of Suffolk - with Gillian Waters BA MA PGDip PGCE (10am-4pm, 1 week, £57), The King’s Manor.
Saturday 01 March 2025: Coins in Roman Britain - with Barry Crump BA MSc MRes (2-5pm, 1 week, £30), University of York Campus, Classroom-based course .
Saturday 08 March 2025: Medieval Religious Architecture from Byzantine to Gothic - with Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD (10am-4.30pm, 1 week, £57), The King’s Manor.
Saturday 08 March 2025: Society in Early Modern England - with Joe Saunders MA MPhil (10am-4.30pm, 1 week, £57), The King’s Manor.
Saturday 15 March 2025: Were Tudor People like Us? Some Thoughts on English Society (1485-1603) - with Joseph Oakley MA PGCE (10am-1pm, 1 week, £30), University of York Campus, Classroom-based course .
Saturday 15 March 2025: The Legend of St Helena - with Gillian Waters BA MA PGDip PGCE (10am-1pm, 1 week, £30), Online course .
Saturday 22 March 2025: The clue is (not always) in the name: a tour of nearly-vanished York - with Emily Hansen PhD (10am-1pm, 1 week, £30), University of York Campus, Classroom-based course .
Saturday 22 March 2025: The House of Wessex: From Legendary Cerdic to Æthelred the Unready - with Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD (10am-4.30pm, 1 week, £57), The King’s Manor.
Saturday 29 March 2025: Historic Pubs of York - with Joe Saunders MA MPhil (10am-1pm, 1 week, £30), The King’s Manor.
Saturday 29 March 2025: Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent, Princess of Wales - with Gillian Waters BA MA PGDip PGCE (10am-4pm, 1 week, £57), The King’s Manor.
Summer Long Courses
Monday 28 April 2025: At the Source of the Image: Prehistoric Art in Europe - with Simone Chisena BA MSc AFHEA (7-9pm, 8 weeks, £91), Online course . Please note, no classes will take place on Bank Holidays.
Tuesday 22 April 2025: A History of Christianity: From the Apostolic Era to the Reformation - with Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD (2-4pm, 10 weeks, £114), Online course .
Tuesday 22 April 2025: The Lost Country Houses of the East Riding - with Ruth Beckett BA MA DPhil (7-9pm, 10 weeks, £114), Online course .
Wednesday 23 April 2025: Brocades and Cloths of Gold: Medieval Textiles and Fashion - with Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD (2-4pm, 10 weeks, £114), University of York Campus, Classroom-based course .
Wednesday 23 April 2025: China and Western Imperialism to 1949 - with Martin Fecitt BA MA PGCE PGDip (2-4pm, 10 weeks, £114), University of York Campus, Classroom-based course .
Wednesday 23 April 2025: The Italian Renaissance - with Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD (7-9pm, 10 weeks, £114), Online course .
Thursday 24 April 2025: The Age of the Normans - with Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD (2-4pm, 10 weeks, £114), Online course .
Thursday 24 April 2025: Suleiman, the Magnificent: The Golden Age of the Ottoman Empire - with Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD (7-9pm, 10 weeks, £114), Online course .
Thursday 24 April 2025: Could the Holocaust have been prevented? - with Matthew Barr BA MA PhD (7-9pm, 10 weeks, £114), Online course .
Thursday 24 April 2025: The Welsh Wars of Independence - with Gillian Waters BA MA PGDip PGCE (7-9pm, 10 weeks, £114), Online course .
Thursday 24 April 2025: Slow Fashion: Histories of Clothing in Western Europe from the Middle Ages to the Dawn of the Twentieth Century - with M Faye Prior BA MA PhD AMA (7-9pm, 10 weeks, £114), University of York Campus, Classroom-based course .
Summer Saturday Courses
Saturday 26 April 2025: Oliver Cromwell: God’s Englishman and ‘Chief of Men’ or a Tyrant and ‘a Brave Bad Man’? - with Gillian Waters BA MA PGDip PGCE (10am-4pm, 1 week, £57), The King’s Manor.
Saturday 03 May 2025: Abelard and Heloise: Vessels of Misery, Vessels of Glory - with Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD (10am-4.30pm, 1 week, £57), University of York Campus, Classroom-based course .
Saturday 03 May 2025: English Civil Wars and Revolution - with Joe Saunders MA MPhil (10am-4.30pm, 1 week, £57), The King’s Manor.
Saturday 10 May 2025: Who Was Lady Godiva? - with Gillian Waters BA MA PGDip PGCE (10am-1pm, 1 week, £30), Online course .
Saturday 10 May 2025: A History of Animals in York - with Clare Rainsford MA MSc PhD (10am-1pm, 1 week, £30), University of York Campus, Classroom-based course .
Saturday 10 May 2025: The Printing Revolution - with Joe Saunders MA MPhil (10am-1pm, 1 week, £30), University of York Campus, Classroom-based course .
Saturday 17 May 2025: The History of Barley Hall, York - with Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD (10am-4.30pm, 1 week, £57), The King’s Manor.
Saturday 24 May 2025: 'Murder by the Throat': The Black and Tans and the Anglo-Irish War (1919-21) - with Joseph Oakley MA PGCE (10am-1pm, 1 week, £30), University of York Campus, Classroom-based course .
Saturday 24 May 2025: Katherine Howard: 'Juvenile Delinquent' or Victim? - with Gillian Waters BA MA PGDip PGCE (10am-4pm, 1 week, £57), The King’s Manor.
Saturday 31 May 2025: York’s Medieval City Walls - with Barry Crump BA MSc MRes (10am-4.30pm, 1 week, £57), The King’s Manor.
Saturday 07 June 2025: Isabella of Portugal, Duchess of Burgundy, The Last Lancastrian Queen? - with Gillian Waters BA MA PGDip PGCE (10am-4pm, 1 week, £57), The King’s Manor.
Saturday 14 June 2025: Beginning your Family History - with Joe Saunders MA MPhil (10am-4.30pm, 1 week, £57), University of York Campus, Classroom-based course .
Saturday 14 June 2025: The Cistercian Order in England - with Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD (10am-4.30pm, 1 week, £57), The King’s Manor.
Saturday 21 June 2025: Polish Nationalism, Solidarity and the Fall of the Communist Bloc (1980- 1991) - with Joseph Oakley MA PGCE (10am-1pm, 1 week, £30), University of York Campus, Classroom-based course .
Saturday 21 June 2025: Thomas Cromwell: A Ruthless ‘Agent of Satan’ or Faithful Servant? - with Gillian Waters BA MA PGDip PGCE (10am-4pm, 1 week, £57), The King’s Manor.
Saturday 28 June 2025: Birds in Archaeology - with Clare Rainsford MA MSc PhD (10am-1pm, 1 week, £30), Online course .
Saturday 28 June 2025: Exploring the Domesday Book - with Cristina Figueredo BA MA PhD (10am-4.30pm, 1 week, £57), The King’s Manor.
Learning via Zoom
Students joining our online courses would need access to a computer, laptop or tablet with a microphone (essential) and a webcam (desirable) as well as a reliable broadband connection.
For more guidance on joining a session via Zoom - please use our Zoom Guide for CLL Students (PDF , 208kb) .