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Climate Conversations

Tuesday 6 February 2024, 7.00PM to 9.00pm

Speaker(s): Lynda Dunlop, Ceri Holman and Felicity Palmer

Composite photo image of a parched landscape, with a close up of a blade of grass over it, on which sits a drop of water with an image of the planet earth in it

The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated that we have a brief and rapidly closing window to secure a liveable planet. In this course we will examine the causes and consequences of climate change and identify the actions needed at all levels to respond to this crisis. We will draw on texts from The Climate Book edited by Greta Thunberg to examine what climate change means for people and the planet, what can be done about it, and what is needed of us right now. Working collaboratively and through informed discussion, we aim to imagine and co-create a more positive future. 

This course has been co-created by staff and students of the University of York.

Tutor: Lynda Dunlop, Ceri Holman and Felicity Palmer

Term: Spring

Day: Tuesday

Time: 7-9pm

Start Date: 6 February 2024

No. of weeks: 6

Full fee: £60

Register for this course online

Location: University of York Campus, Classroom-based