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Estelle Morris visits the Department of Education

Posted on 10 February 2011

Baroness Estelle Morris visited the Department of Education on 10 February to meet staff and find out more about the work of the Department.

Baroness Estelle Morris visited the Department of Education on 10 February to meet staff and find out more about the work of the Department.  During the visit, she met members of the Department's three research centres, Centre for Innovation and Research in Science Education, Centre for Language Learning Research, and the Centre for Research on Education and Social Justice.  This provided an opportunity to find out more about the research and development work the Department does that has a particular impact in schools.

The Department is involved in the development of wide ranging funded research and development work that clarifies understanding and is influencing practice in the UK and elsewhere. This work includes: 'Young people, violence and schools', 'Dyslexia', 'Autism', 'Literacy across the curriculum', 'A repository of instruments for researching second language learning', 'Researching the impact of the National STEM Centre', 'Relating modern chemistry to real life applications' and '21st Century Science', a GCSE science curriculum for all.

Estelle Morris is a former teacher who was elected to Parliament in 1992, and rose to hold the post of Secretary of State for Education.  She stepped down as a member of Parliament in the 2005 election.  Since 2007, she has chaired the Strategy Board of the Institute of Effective Education at the University. 

The visit highlighted synergies between the work of the Department of Education and the Institute of Effective Education, and will result in closer links and working relationships in the future.