Accessibility statement

Rhianna Evans


I'm a third year PhD student at the Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories (WACL) where I also completed my final year project as part of my undergraduate Chemistry degree. After enjoying this research project I decided to pursue a PhD in atmospheric chemistry. I am originally from Sheffield and my personal interests include reading, knitting and hiking somewhere in the mountains!


Masters in Chemistry (MChem).

Memberships and Fellowships

Royal Society of Chemistry, The Aerosol Society.

Research interests

Atmospheric aerosols, air quality, biomass burning and atmospheric chemistry.

Teaching interests

Atmospheric chemistry and analytical chemistry.

Project title

Understanding the atmospheric chemistry of biomass burning emissions and their impact on air quality and climate.



NERC Panorama Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP).

Project outline

My project predominantly aims to understand the highly complex chemical composition of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) emitted from biomass burning. This work explores the effect of factors such as fuel type, oxidative conditions and the burn cycle on the overall SOA composition.

The second main objective of this work is to evaluate the chemical mechanisms leading to SOA formation during biomass burning events.


2022 Annual Aerosol Society Conference, 2021 Virtual EGU conference.

Awards and prizes

  • Best PhD/Early Career Presentation at the 2022 Annual Aerosol Society Conference.
  • Virtual Outstanding Student and PhD candidate presentation award at the 2021 EGU conference.