She is former President of the European Business History Association (EBHA), former President of the Business History Conference (BHC), and former President of the Association of Business Historians (ABH). She received her PhD from the University of Reading and was a Post Doctoral Fellow at the Said Business School, University of Oxford. She also has an MPhil, MBA and Licenciatura from Universidade Católica Portuguesa. In the past she has been a Thomas McCraw Fellow at Harvard Business School, a Catedra Corona Visiting Chair at the University of Los Andes in Bogota, and Intesa San Paolo Chair of Global Governance at the University of Rome - Tor Vergata. She was also visiting scholar at the University of California Berkeley, Columbia University, École Polytechnique in Paris, Keio University in Tokyo and Kyoto University in Japan.
Professor da Silva Lopes taught previously at Queen Mary, University of London, Brasenose College, University of Oxford, and Universidade Católica Portuguesa. She is on the editorial boards of the journals Business History, Enterprise & Society, and Journal of Historical Research in Marketing. She is currently a member of the Peer Review College of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and is a former Peer Review Assessor for the British Academy, the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, the Australian Research Council, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). She has also been an Outer Board Member of the Irish Research Council, and an expert reviewer for the National Science Centre of Poland, and REPRISE/MIUR - The Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research.
She is a member of the Academic Advisory Board of CITCEM ( Centro Interdisciplinar Cultura, Espaço, Memória) of the University of Porto (Portugal); an associate Member of the John Dunning Centre for International Business, member of the International Network of Interdisciplinary Research in Family Firms (NIRFF), member of The Centre for Globalisation Research (CGR) at Queen Mary, University of London (UK), research associate of the Centre for International Business History and Centre for Institutional Performance at the University of Reading (UK), and an Associate of the Institute of Railway Studies and Transport History (UK). She is a former Trustee, Chair of the investments committee, and Chair of the communications committee of the American Business History Conference; Treasurer and Webmaster of the Association of Business Historians; and reviews editor for the journal Business History.
Professor da Silva Lopes has experience working as a consultant in international business strategy, branding strategy, and investment projects. She has been a member of several academic Review Panels, including the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark; Birkbeck College, University of London; Erasmus University in the Netherlands; and The Agency For Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) in Portugal.
Departmental roles
Director of the Centre for the Evolution of Global Business and Institutions (CEGBI)
Featured Work
The Routledge Companion to the Makers of Global Business draws together a wide array of state-of-the-art research on multinational enterprises. The volume aims to deepen our historical understanding of how firms and entrepreneurs contributed to transformative processes of globalization.
This book explores how global business facilitated the mechanisms of cross-border interactions that affected individuals, organizations, industries, national economies, and international relations. The 37 chapters span the Middle Ages to the present day, analysing the emergence of institutions and actors alongside key contextual factors for global business development. Contributors examine business as a central actor in globalization, covering myriad entrepreneurs, organizational forms and key industrial sectors. Taking a historical view, the chapters highlight the intertwined and evolving nature of economic, political, social, technological and environmental patterns and relationships. They explore dynamic change as well as lasting continuities, both of which often only become visible—and can only be fully understood—when analysed in the long run.
CORDIS website
LSE Business Review
'Using third-party endorsements to build a brand's reputation: the case of British chocolate'
Main research interests:
International business history, international business, international marketing and strategy, entrepreneurship and innovation, globalisation, growth and survival of firms, climate change and risk in international business.
Additional Topics:
Brands and branding, intellectual property rights, consumer goods, corporate strategy, evolution of industries, fair trade, foreign direct investment, governance, heritage studies, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, mobility, multinational enterprises, networks.
Full publications list
Books - Monographs
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2007) Global Brands: The Growth of Multinationals in the Alcoholic Drinks Industry, New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 303.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (1999), Internacionalização e Concentração no Vinho do Porto, 1945-1995, Porto: GEHVID/ICEP, pp.171.
Edited Books
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, P. Duguid and R. Fredona (eds.), Climate Change and Business: A Historical Perspective, London: Routledge (under contract, forthcoming)
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, Christina Lubinski, and Heidi Tworek (eds.) (2019), Routledge Handbook on the Makers of Global Business, London: Routledge, pp.598.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, and Paul Duguid (eds.) (2010), Trademarks, Brands and Competitiveness, London: Routledge, pp. 248.
Edited Journal Special Issues
- Fredona, Robert, Lopes, Teresa da Silva, and Reinert, Sophous (2023) ’Forms of Capitalism’ Business History Review, (Winter Issue) (forthcoming).
Refereed Journal Articles - Published
- Jones, Geoffrey G., Teresa da Silva Lopes, Pavida Pananond, Rob van Tulder, Noemi Sinkovics, and Rudolf R. Sinkovics (2025), "Transitioning from responsible and reactive to deeply responsible and proactive international business," Critical Perspectives on International Business, 21 (2), 196-225.
- Camara, Benedita, Teresa da Silva Lopes, and Fredona, Robert (2024), ‘A Mercantilist Brand: The British East India Company and Madeira Wine, 1756-1834’, Business History Review (Winter), 1-38. doi:10.1017/S0007680523000387
- Fredona, Robert, Reinert, Sophus A., and Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2024), ‘Forms of Capitalism’, Business History Review (winter)
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva Lopes, Dourado, Bruna, and Souza, Elizabeth (2024), ‘Unbundling the Brand: Differentiation ad the Law in the Brazilian South American Tea Industry’, Business History, 66 (4): 859-83.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, and Tomita, Shin (2022), ‘Trademarks as “Global Merchants of Skill”: The Dynamics of the Japanese Match Industry, 1860s-1930s’, Business History Review, 96 No.3, 559-588.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, Lluch, Andrea, and Pereira, Gaspar Martins (2020), ‘The Changing and Flexible Nature of Imitation and Adulteration: The Case of the Global Wine Industry, 1850-1914’, Business History Review 94, No.2, 347-371.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2019), ‘The Nature of the Firm” – and the Eternal Life of the Brand’, Enterprise & Society Vol.20, No.4, 752-776.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2019), ‘Transaction Costs in the International Trade of Port Wine”, Entreprises & Histoire 94, Abril, 164-185.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, Casson, Mark, and Jones, Geoffrey (2019), 'Organizational innovation in the multinational enterprise: Internalization theory and business history', Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 50, 1338-1358.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, and Guimarães, Carlos G., Saes, Alexandre, and Saraiva, Luis F. (2018), ‘The ‘disguised’ foreign investor: Brands, trademarks and the British expatriate entrepreneur in Brazil’, Business History Vol.60, No.8, 1171-1195.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, and Simões, Vitor Corado (2017), ‘Knowledge Spillovers and Foreign Investment in Portugal: From the Methuen Treaty to the Twenty First Century’, Business History Vol. 62 (7), 1079-1106.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2016), ‘Building brand reputation through third party endorsement: Fair trade in British chocolate’, Business History Review, Vol.40, No.3, 457-482.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2015), ‘A systems view of corporate diversification’, International Studies of Management and Organization, Vol.45, No.4, 1-17. ISSN: 0007-6805.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, and Guimarães, Paulo (2014), ‘Trademarks and British dominance in consumer goods, 1876-1914’, Economic History Review, Vol.67, No.3, 793-817.
- Casson, Mark, and Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2013), ‘Foreign direct investment in high-risk environments: An historical perspective’, Business History, Vol.55, No.3, 375-404.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, with Mark Casson (2012), ‘Brand protection in the internationalisation of British consumer goods’, Business History Review, Vol.86, No.2, 287-310.
- Duguid, Paul, and Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2012), ‘Behind the brand’, Business History Review, Vol.86, No.2, 235-238.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2010), ‘The entrepreneur, ownership advantages and the eclectic paradigm’, Multinational Business Review, Vol.18 No.1, 71-87.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2008), ‘Markets, knowledge and trade in brands’, Global Business and Economics Review, Vol.10, No.4, 449-466.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, and Casson, Mark (2007), ‘Entrepreneurship, brands and the development of business’, Business History Review 81 (Winter), 651-680. Henrietta Larson Article Award Winner
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, and Casson, Mark (2007), ‘Entrepreneurship, brands and the development of global business’, Organizações em Contexto, Year III, nº6, (December), 180-213.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2005), ‘Competing with multinationals: strategies of the Portuguese alcohol industry’, Business History Review 79 (Autumn), 559-585.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2005), 'A piacoktól és hierarchiáktól a szövetségek felé: Értékesítés a globális szeszesital-ágazatban, 1960-2004.', Aetas, Vol.1, No.2, 29-43.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2003), ‘The growth and survival of multinationals in the global alcoholic beverages industry’, Enterprise and Society, Vol.4, No.4, 592-98.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2002), ‘Brands and the evolution of multinationals in alcoholic beverages’, Business History, Vol.44, No.3, 1-30. Cass Prize for Best Article
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2001), ‘A evolução das estruturas internacionais de comercialização de vinho do Porto no século XX’, Revista de História Económica e Social, Série 2, No.1, 91-132.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, and Aguiar, Álvaro (2000), ‘A marca e a internacionalização do vinho do Porto’, Douro – Estudos e Documentos, No.9, 119-142.
- Duguid, Paul, and Lopes, Teresa da Silva (1999), ‘Ambiguous company: institutions and organizations in the port wine trade, 1814-1834’, Scandinavian Journal of Economic History, Vol.47, No.1, 84-102.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (1999), ‘The impact of multinational investment on alcohol consumption since the 1960s’, Business and Economic History, Vol.28, No.2, 109-122.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (1997), ‘Estudo de caso - Poças Junior’, Douro - Estudos e Documentos, No.4, 337-356.
Chapters in edited Books
- Lluch, Andrea, and Lopes, Teresa da Silva ‘The Melting of Glaciers and the Evolving Vulnerability of the Wine and Spirits Industry’. In Teresa da Silva Lopes, Paul Duguid and Robert Fredona (eds.). Climate Change and Business: A Historical Perspective. London: Routledge (forthcoming).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, and Duguid, Paul ‘From Whitewashing to Greenwashing: PR Confronts Climate Change’. In Teresa da Silva Lopes, Paul Duguid and Robert Fredona (Eds.). Climate Change and Business: A Historical Perspective. London: Routledge (forthcoming)
- Fredona, Robert, and Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2024) 'Commercial Marks and Signs in European Jurisprudence, 1300-1600’ with Robert Fredona. In Lionel Bently and Robert Bone (eds.), History of Trade Mark Law. London: Edward Elgar (forthcoming)
- Lopes, Teresa Silva, Guimarães, Carlos G.; Saes, Alexandre; and Saraiva, Luis F. (2024) ‘The ‘disguised’ foreign investor: Brands, trademarks, and the British expatriate entrepreneur in Brazil’. In P. Saiz and R. Castro (eds). The Brand and its History. London: Routledge, chapter 4.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2023) ‘Business History in International Business’, in Donald Bergh (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopaedia in Business and Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press, (
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, Casson, Mark, and Jones, Geoffrey (2023) 'Organizational Innovation in the Multinational Enterprise: Internalization Theory and Business History'. In Mark Casson (ed.) Global Business - Past, Present and Future. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 298-329.
- Casson, Mark and Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2023) ‘The role of time in international business: an historical perspective'. In Marl Casson, M. (ed.) Global Business - Past, Present and Future (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar), 241-274.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2023), ‘Brands and the Dynamics of Industries’. In Pereira, G. Martins (ed.). Brands and Designations o Origin: History and Identity. Porto: CITCEM, 13-32.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2022), ‘Extraordinary Risk Management in International Business Strategy History’. In van Tulder, R., Verbeke, A., Piscitello, L., and Puck, J. (eds.). International Business in Times of Crisis Tribute Volume to Geoffrey Jones. Bingley: Emerald, 97-110.
- Jones, Geoffrey, and Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2021), ‘International Business History and the Strategy of Multinational Enterprises: How History Matters’. In Mellahi, K., Meyer, K., Narula, R., Surdu, I., and Verbeke, A. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of International Business Strategy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 37-55.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2019), ‘A Modificação das Estruturas Comerciais no Século XX’’, in François Guichard, Philippe Roudié, and Gaspar Martins Pereira (eds.), O Vinho do Porto e o Douro no século XX e início do século XXI. Porto: GEHVID/Afrontamento, 106-140.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2019), ‘A Transformação dos Mercados de Vinho do Porto’, in François Guichard, Philippe Roudié, and Gaspar Martins Pereira (eds.), O Vinho do Porto e o Douro no século XX e início do século XXI. Porto: GEHVID/Afrontamento, 68-105.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, Lubinski, Christina, and Tworek, Heidi (2019), ‘Introduction to the Makers of Global Business’. In Teresa da Silva Lopes, Christina Lubinski, and Heidi Tworek (eds.), Routledge Companion to The Makers of Global Business. London: Routledge, 68-105.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, Lluch, Andrea, and Pereira, Gaspar Martins (2019), ‘Imitation and the Case of the Global Wine Industry’. In Teresa da Silva Lopes, Christina Lubinski, and Heidi Towrek (eds.), Routledge Companion to the Makers of Global Business. London: Routledge, 502-515.
- Casson, Mark, and Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2018), ‘Imitation, Brand Protection and the Globalisation of British Business’. In Mark Casson (ed.) The Multinational Enterprise - Theory and History. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 112-135.
- Casson, Mark, and Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2018), ‘Foreign Direct Investment in High-Risk Environments: An Historical Perspective’. In Mark Casson (ed.) ‘The Multinational Enterprise - Theory and History’. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 283-307.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, and Simões, Vitor Corado (2018) ‘The Long-term impact of foreign direct investment on the Portuguese Economy: Addressing Silva Lopes’ Competitiveness’. In Miguel St. Aubyn, Manuel Mira Godinho, and Joaquim Ramos da Silva (eds.), Estudos de Homenagem a José da Silva Lopes. Lisboa: Almedina, 511-555.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva and Duguid, Paul (2010), ‘Brands and Competitiveness’. In Teresa da Silva Lopes and Paul Duguid (eds.), Trademarks, Brands and Competitiveness. London: Routledge, 1-8.
- Duguid, Paul, Lopes, Teresa da Silva, and Mercer, John (2010), ‘The first one hundred years of registration: shifting patterns in France, the United States, and the United Kingdom, 1870-1970’. In Teresa da Silva Lopes and Paul Duguid (eds.), Trademarks, Brands and Competitiveness, London: Routledge, 19-30.
- Casson, Mark and Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2009) ‘Entrepreneurship, and the development of global brands’. In Mark Casson, (ed.) Entrepreneurship: Theory, Networks and History. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 264-287.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2008) ‘Corporate governance in the global alcoholic beverages industry’. In Susanna Fellman, Anttii Kuusterä, and Eero Vaara (eds.), Historical Perspectives on Corporate Governance. Helsinki: The Finish Society of Science and Letters, 125-138.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2006) ‘Instituições, sobrevivência e crescimento empresarial no vinho do Porto, 1960- 2006’. In Gaspar Martins Pereira, (ed.), Douro Contemporâneo. Porto: GEHVID/Afrontamento, 291- 303.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2003) ‘Os mercados de vinho do Porto’. In Gaspar Martins Pereira (ed.), O Vinho do Porto. Porto: Afrontamento, 131-150.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2001), ‘Brands, mergers and acquisitions in the alcoholic beverages industry’. In Bonin, Hubert. et al (eds.), Transnational Companies. Paris: PLAGE, 15-34.
- Duguid, Paul, and Lopes, Teresa da Silva (2000) ‘Divide and rule: Regulation and response in the port wine trade, 1812-1840’. In Gourvish, Terry (ed.), European Yearbook of Business History, No.3, Ashgate: Aldershot, 1-24.
- Duguid, Paul, and Lopes, Teresa da Silva (1998) ‘The company you keep: The port trade in the declining years of the wine Company, 1812-1840’. In Albert Vieira (ed.), Os Vinhos Licorosos e a História, Funchal: CEHA, 285-309.
Papers Published in Refereed Conference Proceedings
I have presented at over 50 conferences. Below is a list of some of the publications that resulted from those conferences.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Economic integration and the development of Portuguese multinationals’, World Economic History Congress, Session Q4 (Utrecht, 3-7 August 2009).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘The eternal lives of brands’, CHARM – Conference on Historical Analysis & Research in Marketing, Conference Proceedings (2007).
- Duguid, Paul and Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Entrepreneurship, trademarks and the development of global businesses’ In Proceedings International Economic History Congress, session 40 (Helsinki, 21-25 August 2006).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Instituições, sobrevivência e crescimento empresarial no Vinho do Porto, 1960- 2006’. In ‘Douro Contemporâneo’ GEHVID, Faculdade de Letras das Universidade do Porto, Conference Proceedings (Porto, May 2006).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Institutions, leadership and long-term survival: the case of Portugal and alcoholic beverages’. In Proceedings of the European Business History Annual Meeting - Universitat Pompeu Fabra, CD ROM (Barcelona, September 2004).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Diversification strategies in the global alcoholic drinks industry’, Competitive paper presented. In the Proceedings of the European International Business Academy, CD ROM (Athens, December 2002).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Corporate governance in the global alcoholic beverages industry’. In Proceedings of the European Business History Annual Meeting, CD ROM (Helsinki, August 2002).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Growth and survival in the alcoholic beverages industry’. In European Business History Association Conference 2001, CD ROM (Oslo, August 2001).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Mercados de vinho do Porto no século XX’. In Simpósio - A Vinha e o Vinho na Cultura da Europa, Conference Proceedings (Porto, September, 2001).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Brands and the evolution of multinationals in alcoholic beverages’. In Proceedings from European Business in the Global Network - Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy, CD ROM (Maastricht, December 2000).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘A evolução das estruturas internacionais de comercialização de vinho do Porto no século XX’. In Fátima Brandão, Álvaro Aguiar, Octávio Figueiredo, Rui Pedro Esteves, Carlos Damas, (eds.), Linhas de Rumo da História Económica em Portugal, XX: Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de História Económica e Social, Vol.1 (Porto: 2000).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, and Aguiar, Álvaro ‘A especificidade da marca na internacionalização do vinho do Porto’. In 7º Encontro Nacional de Economia Industrial, Conference Proceedings (Vila Real, October 1998).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, and Aguiar, Álvaro ‘A importância da especificidade dos activos na internacionalização das empresas portuguesas: o caso do vinho do Porto’. In Actas do II Encontro de Economistas de Língua Portuguesa, Conference Proceedings (Macau, June 1998).
Review Articles
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, International Business in Australia before World War One: Shaping a Multinational Economy by Simon Ville and David Merrett (London: Palgrave, 2022), in Business History (2024). DOI: 10.1080/00076791.2024.2422767.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, History of Fair Trade in Contemporary Britain: From Civil Society Campaigns to Corporate Compliance, by Matthew Anderson (London: Palgrave, 2015), in Business History Review Vol.90, No.3 (Autumn, 2016).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, A Business History of the Swatch Group: The Rebirth of Swiss Watchmaking and the Globalization of the Luxury Industry, by Pierre-Yves Donzé (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2014), in Business History Review, Vol.89, No.2 (Summer 2015).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, Creating Wine: The emergence of a world industry, 1840-1914, by James Simpson (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011), in Business History Review, (2013) Summer, Vol.87 (2): 386-389.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, Food chains: from farmyard to shopping cart, by Warren Belasca and Roger Horowitz (eds.) (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008), in Business History Review (2009) Vol.83 (1): 375-378.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, with John S. Wilson, Steve Toms, John Press, and Andrew Popp, ‘Tribute to Charles Harvey’, Business History (2008), Vol.50 No.1: 1-3.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, Strategic and organization change – From production to retailing in UK brewing 1950-1990, by Alistair Mutch (London: Routledge, 2006) in Business History (2007) Vol.49, No.2.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, The US brewing Industry – Data and economic analysis, by Victor J. Tremblay and Carol Horton Tremblay (Boston Mass: MIT Press, 2005), in Business History Vol.48, No.3 (July, 2006): 439-440.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, A indústria Portuguesa e os seus dirigentes, by Manuel Lisboa (Lisboa: Educa, 2002), in Business History Review, Vol.78, No.2 (2004): 170-72.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, Alliance capitalism and corporate management, by John H. Dunning and Gavin Boyd, eds. (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003), in Business History, Vol.46, No.1 (2004): 139-140.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, Brand New: How entrepreneurs earned consumers’ trust from Wedgwood to Dell, by Nancy Koehn (Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press, 2001), in Business History, Vol.44, No.2 (2002): 157-8.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, British wine merchants in Porto prior to the Methuen Treaty, by Pedro de Brito (Associação Luso-Britânica, 2000), in Business History Vol.43, No.4 (2001): 127-28.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, Brand new, by Jane Pavitt (London: V&A Publications, 2000), in Business History Vol.43, No.3 (2001): 175.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, Guinness 1886-1939: From incorporation to the Second World War, by S.R. Dennison and O. MacDonagh (Cork: Cork University Press, 1998), Business History Review, Vol.73, No.4, (1999): 771-773.
Working Papers
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Using history to help refine international business theory: ownership advantages and the eclectic paradigm’, The York Management School Working Papers, No.54 (March 2010).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Shifting patterns in marks and registration: France, the United States and the United Kingdom, 1870-1970’, centre for Globalisation Research Working Papers, Queen Mary, University of London, No.21 (August 2008).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Global management and the strategic role of brands’, Centre for Globalisation Research Working Papers, Queen Mary, University of London, No.10 (April 2008).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, and Casson, Mark ‘Entrepreneurship, brands and the development of global business’, Centre for Globalisation Research Working Papers, Queen Mary, University of London, No.2 (September 2007).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, Evolution of corporate governance in global industries: The case of multinationals in alcoholic beverages’, Discussion Papers in Economic and Social History, All Souls, University of Oxford, No. 53 (February, 2004).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Growth and survival in the alcoholic beverages industry’, Discussion Papers in International Investment & Management, The University of Reading Department of Economics, Vol. XIII, No.292 (2001-2002).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘MNEs and the internationalisation of the alcoholic beverages industry’, Discussion Papers in International Investment & Management, The University of Reading Department of Economics, No.277 (1999).
Other Publications – Media
I have been editor of the newsletter of the Association of Business Historians, which is the largest British association in this field. I have also published articles in other academic newsletters such as Business at Oxford, the magazine of the Saïd Business School, and the Newsletter of the European Business History Association. I am listed in the Directory ‘Who’s Who in Business Higher Education’ and have also appeared widely on the news in Portugal as a consequence of having been nominated the ‘Woman of the Year’ in Portugal in 1997.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva ‘O ISEG e a Solidariedade Social’ – Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon Newsletter 94 (8 April 2022)
- Fredona, Robert, and Lopes, Teresa da Silva ‘Trademarks and Branding in Renaissance Florence’ – Interview for the European Commission - Cordis (Horizon 20201, June 2021)
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva ‘Using third party endorsements to build a brand’s reputation: The case of British chocolate’, London School of Economics Blog 7 June 2017
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, and Duguid, Paul ‘The penguin in chains – Brands and trademarks in an open innovation world’, Big Innovation Centre – Blog, Work Foundation (5 December 2011).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Spirits and beer multinationals invest in wine’, Oxford Analytica (February 2005).
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Forever young: strategy and ownership in the life of global brands’, Business at Oxford, 4 (Michaelmas 2003), p. 8-9.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘The growth and survival of multinationals in the global alcoholic beverages industry’ EBHA Newsletter, 18 (2003), p. 15-18.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Conference Report for the European Business History Annual Meeting on Business and Knowledge’, EBHA Newsletter, 14 (2002), p. 19-21.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Global drink - The evolution of multinational strategies in the alcoholic beverages industry’, Enterprise and Society, Vol.1, No.4 (2000), p. 838.
- Lopes, Teresa da Silva, ‘Country Report: ‘Business history in Portugal’, EBHA Newsletter, 9 (1999), pp. 5-6.