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Snehasish Banerjee
Professor in Marketing



Snehasish joined the University of York in 2017. He holds a Doctorate (Information Studies) and a Master of Science degree (Information Systems) from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, along with a Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) from West Bengal University of Technology, India.

With an interdisciplinary background, Snehasish's research focuses on the intersection between technology and human behaviour. He enjoys asking practically-motivated and theoretically-inspired questions along several inter-related research streams including but not limited to digital marketing, electronic commerce, fake news, and online user behaviour. Marrying research with teaching, he is the module leader for Digital Marketing Strategy. Snehasish serves on the editorial board of the journal Internet Research.

Departmental roles

Head of Group for the Marketing, International Business and Entrepreneurship (MIBE) group



Snehasish's research explores how humans engage with technology. Under this broad theme, his works focus on a variety of topics such as:

He has won a string of research awards including the 2014 Outstanding Paper Award from the Journal of Knowledge Management, and the 2016 Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Award from Computers in Human Behaviour.

Snehasish serves on the editorial board of the journal Internet Research.


Selected publications

Selected journal articles

Banerjee, S., & Chua, A. (2023). Understanding online fake review production strategies. Journal of Business Research, 156, Article 113534.  

Chua, A., Pal, A., & Banerjee, S. (2023). AI-enabled investment advice: Will users buy it? Computers in Human Behavior, 138, Article 107481.

Banerjee, S. (2022). Exaggeration in fake vs. authentic online reviews for luxury and budget hotels. International Journal of Information Management, 62, Article 102416.

Banerjee, S., Lens, M., & Pal, A. (2022). Put on your sunglasses and smile: The secret of Airbnb hosts’ profile photos? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 103, Article 103219.

Khan, I. M., Sahadev, S., Rashid, T., & Banerjee, S. (2022). Social media and empowerment in hospitality and tourism decision-making: A study among UK Muslim women. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 101, Article 103125.

Banerjee, S. (2021). To capture the research landscape of lecture capture in university education. Computers & Education, 160, Article 104032.

Banerjee, S., & Chua, A. (2021). Calling out fake online reviews through robust epistemic belief. Information & Management, 58(3), Article 103445.

Chua, A., Pal, A., & Banerjee, S. (2021). “This Will Blow Your Mind”: Examining the urge to click clickbaits. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 73(2), 288-303.

Banerjee, S., & Chua, A. (2020). How alluring is the online profile of tour guides? Annals of Tourism Research, 81, Article 102887.

Chua, A., & Banerjee, S. (2020). The topic of terrorism on Yahoo! Answers: Questions, answers and users’ anonymity. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 72(1), 1-16.

Banerjee, S., & Chua, A. (2019). Identifying the antecedents of posts’ popularity on Facebook fan pages. Journal of Brand Management, 26(6), 621-633.

Banerjee, S., & Chua, A. (2019). Trust in online hotel reviews across review polarity and hotel category. Computers in Human Behaviour, 90, 265-275.

Banerjee, S. (2018). How does the world google the Internet, anxiety, and happiness? Cyberpsychology, Behaviour, and Social Networking, 21(9), 569-574

Banerjee, S. (2018). Analysis of user-generated comments posted during live matches of the Cricket World Cup 2015. Online Information Review, 42(7), 1180-1194.

Chua, A., & Banerjee, S. (2018). Intentions to trust and share online health rumours: An experiment with medical professionals. Computers in Human Behaviour, 87, 1-9.

Chua, A., & Banerjee, S. (2017). To share or not to share: The role of epistemic belief in online health rumours. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 108, 36-41.

Banerjee, S., Chua, A., & Kim, J. J. (2017). Don’t be deceived: Using linguistic analysis to learn how to discern online review authenticity. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(6), 1525-1538.

Chua, A., & Banerjee, S. (2017). Analyzing review efficacy on Does the rich grow richer? Computers in Human Behaviour, 75, 501-509.

Banerjee, S., & Chua, A. (2017). Theorizing the textual differences between authentic and fictitious reviews: Validation across positive, negative and moderate polarities. Internet Research, 27(2), 321-337.

Chua, A., & Banerjee, S. (2016). Helpfulness of user-generated reviews as a function of review sentiment, product type and information quality. Computers in Human Behaviour, 54, 547-554.

Banerjee, S., & Chua, A. (2016). In search of patterns among travellers’ hotel ratings in TripAdvisor. Tourism Management, 53, 125-131.

Chua, A., & Banerjee, S. (2015). Understanding review helpfulness as a function of reviewer reputation, review rating, and review depth. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 66(2), 354-362.

Banerjee, S., & Chua, A. (2014). A theoretical framework to identify authentic online reviews. Online Information Review, 38(5), 634-649. [Highly Commended Paper Award]

Chua, A., & Banerjee, S. (2013). So fast so good: An analysis of answer quality and answer speed in community question answering sites. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(10), 2058-2068.

Chua, A., & Banerjee, S. (2013). Customer knowledge management via social media: The case of Starbucks. Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(2), 237-249. [Outstanding Paper Award]


Chua, A., & Banerjee, S. (2018). IT Project Failures: Lessons from the Ashes. Singapore: Pearson. [ISBN: 9789813133518]

External activities


Snehasish has shared his research with the All Party Parliamentary Group on Bullying and the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, UK. He is listed as an expert on Parliament’s website.

His work is regularly cited in the media:

Snehasish is happy to bounce off ideas with businesses of any size related to the use of technology and/or social media. If you have not got an online presence, he can help you create one through consultation and training. If you have one already, but poor online visibility is holding your business back, he can offer tailored support to get you in front of your target customers. If these are of interest to you, please do feel free to contact him.

School for Business and Society
Church Lane Building
York Science Park
York, YO10 5ZF

Telephone:+44 (0) 1904 325013

Room: CL/A/117F

Research profiles

Subject Group

People, Operations and Marketing

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