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Professor Shu-Jung Sunny Yang
Chair in Operations Management



Shu-Jung Sunny Yang is Professor and Chair in Operations Management at the School for Business and Society, University of York. Prior to joining York, he held faculty positions at the University of Melbourne, University of Essex, University of Oslo, University of Southampton, and National Taiwan University. He has held a variety of administrative roles in the academic career, including the department head, institute head, research centre director, and taught programme directors. He received a PhD in Management from the Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM), University of Sydney and University of New South Wales, where he was supervised by Professor Edward James Anderson.

He studies operations strategy, supply chain management, and operations interfaces by combining methods from formal theory, data science, and operational research. He has taught operations strategy, operations management, and supply chain management at various levels. His work has been published in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Retailing, European Journal of Operational Research, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, among others. His latest book “Building Resilience: Consistent Re-rationalisation in Digital Transformation and Business Inheritance” was published by CommonWealth Magazine (Taiwan’s most influential economic news media), and received the 2022 Golden Book Award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan.

He received the 2004 Sasakawa Young Leader Fellow from the Nippon and Tokyo Foundations of Japan, the finalist for the 2012 Future Research Leaders Scheme from the Economic and Social Research Council of the UK, and the 2019 Ta-Yu Wu Memorial Award (the highest honour for outstanding young scholars in Taiwan) from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan. He holds the editorial
positions at Journal of General Management and Journal of Management and Systems. He is currently a guest editor of Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.

Departmental roles

Human futures in the digital transformation Joint Interdisciplinary Cluster Lead



Sunny’s current research interests lie in:

● Supply Chain Resilience
● Sustainable Operations
● Data-Driven Operations
● Empirical Operations

He welcomes future collaborations and PhD supervision in these research areas.


Other teaching

● Operations Management
● Supply Chain Management


Selected publications

Journal Publications

Yang, S., Y. Chandra, Y. Liu. The virtue of calculative mindset: A community-based view of entrepreneurial action and its implications to altruistic venturing. Journal of General Management, forthcoming.

Li, Y., I. Hong, S. Yang. A public-private collaboration model of supply chain resilience to unpredictable disruptions: An exploratory empirical case study of medical mask production and distribution. Production Planning and Control, forthcoming.

Chen, L., S. Yang. Designing an optimal two-bin strategy for selling perishable produce to responsible and mainstream buyers. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, forthcoming.

Yang, S., L. Chen. Is partial sourcing disadvantageous to startup suppliers under capacity-shortage threat? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, forthcoming.

Yang, S., K. Hsieh. 2021, Supply chain investment and de-escalation of capacity competition. International Journal of Production Research 59(3) 942–958.

Chen, W., C. Tseng, S. Yang. 2020. Improving hand hygiene process compliance through process monitoring in healthcare. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 22(4) 645–867.

Liu, Y., H. Xu, S. Yang, J. Zhang. 2018. Distributionally robust equilibrium for continuous games: Nash and Stackelberg models, European Journal of Operational Research 265(2) 631–643.

Chen, L., Y. Liu, S. S. Yang. 2017. Process innovation and improvement: A competitive dynamics perspective. National Taiwan University Management Review 27(3) 1–32.

Yang, X., G. Cai, Y. Chen, S. Yang. 2017. Competitive retailer strategies for new market research, entry and positioning decisions. Journal of Retailing 93(2) 172–186.

Chen, L., S. Yang. 2017. Are purchased-triggered donations advantageous with competition? Journal of the Operational Research Society 68(3) 237–252.

Eng, T., C. Kwong, S. Yang, G. Michelson. 2016. Special issue editorial: Entrepreneurial competencies of small and medium-sized enterprises. Journal of General Management 42(1) 1–3.

Anderson, E., S. Yang. 2015. The timing of capacity investment with lead times: When do firms act in unison? Production and Operations Management 24(1) 21–41.

Chen, L., Y. Liu, S. Yang. 2015. Robust supply chain strategies for recovering from unanticipated disasters. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 77 198–214.

Yang, S., Y. Liu. 2015. Anticipated responses: The positive side of elicited reaction to competitive action. Journal of the Operational Research Society 66(2) 316–330.

Yang, S., E. Anderson. 2014. Competition through capacity investment under asymmetric existing capacities and costs. European Journal of Operational Research 237(1) 217–230.

Kuo, C., S. Yang. 2013. The role of store brand positioning for appropriating supply chain profit under shelf space allocation. European Journal of Operational Research 231(1) 88–97.

Yang, S., Y. Chandra. 2013. Growing artificial entrepreneurs: Advancing entrepreneurship research using agent-based simulation approach. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research 19(2) 210–237.

Chandra, Y., S. Yang. 2011. Managing disruptive innovation: Entrepreneurial strategies and tournaments for corporate longevity. Journal of General Management 37(2) 23–50.

Yang, S., F. Yang, K. Wang, Y. Chandra. 2009. Optimising resource portfolio planning for capital- intensive industries under process-technology progress. International Journal of Production Research 47(10) 2625–2648.

Chen, C., K. Wang, S. Wang, S. Yang. 2008. Price negotiation for capacity sharing in a two-factory environment using genetic algorithm. International Journal of Production Research 46(7) 1847–1868.

Wang, K., S. Wang, S. Yang. 2007. A resource portfolio model for equipment investment and allocation of semiconductor testing industry. European Journal of Operational Research 179(2) 390–403.

School for Business and Society
University of York
Church Lane Building
York Science Park
York YO10 5ZF
